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The new day dawned at Hogwarts, but to Viola, it might as well have been midnight. While others moved on with their lives as if nothing had happened, the events of the previous night still reverberated within Viola. However, she chose to present a facade of unbothered indifference to her peers, determined to keep a tight grip on her feelings and the overall situation.

Pansy and Viola walked down the stairs together, Pansy remarking, "I wasn't even interested in him, you know."

Viola responded with sarcasm, brushing her hair out of her face. "Of course you weren't."

Pansy exclaimed dramatically, "Honestly, he asked me out to Hogsmeade, purely to get closer to you."

Viola seemed incredulous, shaking her head in disbelief. "Unbelievable."

"Very believable," Pansy said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "That pig thought getting through me would lead him to you."

Viola fought the urge to laugh, trying her hardest to maintain an impassive look despite Pansy's amusing comment. Pansy let out a haughty laugh and was about to reply, but suddenly couldn't contain herself and joined in on Viola's laughter.

Suddenly, the door to the DADA classroom swung open, revealing Professor Lupin and the bags in his hands, seemingly completely packed.

He noticed Viola right away, his steps halting as if frozen in place. Viola whispered something to Pansy, possibly telling her that she and her would meet in The Great Hall. Pansy, despite a little hesitant, eventually obliged and headed off in another direction, leaving only Lupin and Viola together.

"Someone informed on you, I presume?" Viola said calmly, keeping her expression steady.

"Yes," Lupin chuckled, a faint trace of surprise on his face as Viola correctly guessed the leak. "It would appear that someone has."

"Professor Snape, of course," Viola continued, to which Lupin raised an eyebrow, but made no effort to deny the statement. "Well, it doesn't take a genius to guess that the only other person who knows about your condition would reveal all."

Lupin smiled softly at the girl in front of him, finding the interaction strangely amusing. He appreciated her wit, perhaps even a bit taken aback by her unpredictable responses. Even when others might have taken offense to her comments, Lupin couldn't help but find them amusing. Their conversations were engaging and entertaining and he couldn't help but feel slightly content when speaking to her, as if the future was uncertain and full of surprises.

"Viola," Lupin said, his voice calm and steady. "You have surprised me, I cannot lie. My days shall be lacking your witty observations and comments."

Viola was unsure of how to respond, keeping her mouth shut to silence her shock.

Lupin placed a hand on her shoulder, rubbing it slightly. "Thank you, Viola," he said gently, before leaving her alone, leaving her speechless and uncertain of how to process the emotions she was feeling. She had never experienced appreciation for someone in this way before.

Viola shook off the lingering feelings and made her way towards the Great Hall. She spotted Draco, Blaise, Theo, Pansy, among other students from Slytherin, engaged in a conversation. The environment was filled with smirks and chuckles, as Viola soon joined them, blending in easily. She leaned against the table alongside the Slytherins, fitting in perfectly with them. The group seemed to click when they were together, and the atmosphere was always better when Viola was present.

The Gryffindor's seemed to be interested in something else all of them huddled around the table before Potter joined. The Gryffindor's realized that someone anonymous had sent potter a brand new broomstick. As Ron decided to open, the whole thing up, Potter stole a glance at viola.

The girl's attention was elsewhere, engaged in a conversation with a Slytherin boy Potter didn't know. he whispered some unknown words to Viola, making her chuckle coyly. Potter's eyes narrowed at this.

Viola was caught by Potter's sudden gaze, her laugh dying out quickly with him still staring at her. Viola looked Potter in the eyes, before quickly looking away.

Potter was still perplexed by her demeanor, wondering how Viola managed to act so casually and dismiss everything so easily. She was acting as if nothing had happened, as if what occurred yesterday was not real. Potter didn't understand.

In the night as she made her way back to her dorm, Viola discovered a mysterious package on her bed - no name, no signature.

Out of curiosity, she opened the black box, to find an exquisite ring: a silver emerald-cut ring, with a night sky-like diamond, that shined brightly as she moved it around. She turned it in her fingers to see if there were any clues as to the sender's identity, only to discover writing on the inside: "toujours pur."

As she slipped the ring on her finger and watched it shine from the moonlight coming in through the window, Viola knew exactly who sent it: Sirius. The ring was beautiful, and despite her reluctance, she couldn't help but appreciate its beauty as she admired it on her finger.

That's it for the third movie!!!

You have no idea how excited I am to enter fourth year!!! This year was sort of bleh imo. But fourth year is gonna sososo good.

I'm gonna include so much more of the Slytherins and everyone TRUST.

Also, if ur still here I LOVE YOU.

Thank u 4reading <3


Word count: 845

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