comfort - Bill Kaulitz.

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⚠️TW WARNING!!!!!!!!⚠️

y/n's pov:
"why dont you ever give me attention anymore scarlett! i always have to beg and beg, it isnt fair!" i screamed at my girlfriend.

"because y/n! you're always so clingy and it gets annoying!" she yelled back as she shook her head "im tired of this, we're so toxic to each other, we're not meant for each other. we're always on and off and im done with it, we're over y/n."

my heart dropped and i got up from the bed, walking to her, "nonononono. baby please im sorry." i wrapped my arms around her, "scarlett please im sorry. i need you." i said as i laid my head on her chest, tears rolling down.

"We don't need each other. im done y/n." she pushed me off of her and left. i began sobbing. i rushed to my phone and started spamming her on everything tiktok, snapchat, instagram, messages, but after a mintue, i was blocked on everything.

my girlfriend left me. we were off and on for 2 years. realization started to set in and i started crying my eyes out, i went to my desk and pulled out my blade from one of the drawers. ive been clean for almost 2 years, me and scarlett promised each other to not relaspe or cut ourselves while we were together, but i guess that didn't matter now. she's gone. i put the blade to my wrists and began cutting.

after i finished i felt lightheaded, i grabbed my phone and started calling bill as i fell to the floor, bill picked up. "hi billy please come ov-" i passed out.


bill's pov:

y/n called me, "hi billy please come ov-" was the last thing i heard from the other line, "y/n??, sweetheart?? are you okay?" no response. i got up and grabbed my keys, i ran out the door and got into my car. about 5-10 mintues i got to her house and the door was unlocked, weird. i went up to y/n's room and my heart sunk.

there was my precious y/n, laying in a puddle of her own blood, her wrists in shreds. i began tearing up and grabbed a shirt, tightly wrapping it around her wrists as i grabbed her phone and called tom and the boys over quickly. once they all arrived, they began helping me with y/n. i took y/n to her bath and gently bathed her, georg and gustav helped clean her room, also cleaning her blood off the floor, tom went to the nearest drug store to find some of her favorite snacks and also a gauze bandage roll to wrap around her arms.

once everything settled down i laid in bed with y/n while the boys sat downstairs in the living room. after a few moments y/n woke up with tears in her eyes, looking at me, "scar...broke up with me." i sighed as i pulled y/n in for a hug, y/n and scarlett have always been off and on, it was no surprise to me. "im sorry y/n, maybe you two will make up y'know?" y/n shook her head, "we're over, actually this time, that's why i relasped."

"im sorry darling." i looked at her making eye contact, "its time you move on, you two were very toxic anyways." i rubbed her back as i placed her on my lap, "everythings gonna be okay, i promise."

y/ns pov:

i hugged bill as he pulled me onto his lap, i wrapped my arms around his neck, whimpering a bit from the pain. "im sorry you had to see me like that billy." i sighed out. "its okay, im just glad youre okay now, we thought we lost you, the rest of the boys are downstairs, we were worried sick." bill stated. "im okay now, just please dont leave me." i said as he nodded. we sat there in silence.

we cuddled until bill grabbed my face and made eye contact, leaning in. i couldn't help but lean in aswell, once we were close enough, our lips touch, his lips were so soft, he entered his tongue into my mouth , swirling it around. we finished our make out session and i just laid my head on his chest.

"bill...i still love scarlett..."

"i know you do, but its okay, im here to help you along the way, okay?."

"okay bill...i love you."

"i love you too sweetheart."


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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