☆ four ☆

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"Daniiiii.. I'm hungry.."

the two students stuck their heads out of their books when they heard the little boy's voice. 

Danielle glanced at the clock on the wall and frowned. 

"I'm sorry, little one, it's past snack time, unnie, do you mind if we take a break? It wouldn't hurt us to stop a bit either." 

Haerin nodded and rubbed her eyesight, they had been submerged among documents for more than two hours.

She had no complaints because she had the opportunity to watch danielle as much as she wanted,

And, if she discovered something that afternoon, that danielle, 

apart from being the most beautiful girl in the world, she was also extremely intelligent. 

To be honest, haerin wasn't even paying that good attention, but how could she do that if she had the girls she was madly in love with sitting just a few feet away?

The little omega always spoke sweetly and explained herself calmly and patiently,

she smiled kindly and scrunched her little nose every time something confused her.

Haerin was also able to appreciate that the younger tended to bite her lower lip when she was concentrating,

and in those moments, the alpha could do nothing but watch enraptured as those tempting lips was captured between her perfect white teeth.

Really, no one could blame her for her lack of concentration, the red-haired girl was the perfect omega,

everything of her incited the attraction of the alpha; her sparkling look, her appetizing lips, her perfect skin,

and her smell.. her smell, the brunette could write a thousand and one poems about the scent of the omega, 

and none of them would even come close to describing the perfection that smell represented.

She had never been close enough to danielle to fully appreciate her omega scent, and once she did, her inner wolf automatically became addicted to it.

Danielle smelled of vanilla and cinnamon, baked apples and runny caramel,

she smelled of childhood and home, sweet and welcoming, soft and maddeningly intoxicating.

Haerin had to hold back a lot so as not to slide her nose down her slender neck, drinking that essence with delight, at this rate, her wolf would go crazy.

"What do you want for lunch?"

Danielle had picked up her little brother was holding him on her lap. 

"Mmm.." the boy put his little index finger to his chin and looked at the ceiling, meditating his answer.

"Chocolate chip cookies!" he exclaimed, finally opening her arms.

Danielle laughed and ruffled her little brother's hair in an affectionate gesture.

Something in haerin stirred to see the red-haired girl being so sweet with the little one,

something warm and unknown to her, the word 'home' resonated in some corner of her mind, but she was unaware of its true meaning.

"Well, let's see if mom hasn't eaten the leftover cookies." danielle said leaving jisung on the ground. 

"Unnie, do you want cookies?"

Haerin looked at the shorter girl's kind smile and nodded.

Perhaps, the meaning of the word "home" was hidden behind that beautiful expression.

The siblings disappeared down the hallway, leaving haerin alone in the living room.

The alpha stood up from the chair and stretched her body, hearing her joints creaks in response.

She took a short walk around the room, stopping to look at the tv cabinet and the dozen photos that adorned it.

In them a younger danielle was seen, and many more of the siblings together, smiling happily at the camera.

There was a photo that especially caught the brunette's attention, the siblings were also in it, but they weren't alone.

A couple stood next to the siblings, smiling sincerely, the woman was beautiful, with jet black hair and a fine elegant face.

She was short in stature and had slanted alert eyes. In her arms, wrapped in a light blue blanket,

she held a small baby who raised their little hand trying to catch strands of their mother's hair.

Next to her stood an exotic-looking man, he was tall, with tanned skin and intense honey-colored eyes, a thick mop of brown hair falling in waves over his forehead.

The man surrounded the woman's waist with one of his arms, while he placed his other hand on the shoulder of a girl,

a smiling girl of about thirteen years old, with brown hair and bulging cheeks.

She smiled, now she understood where danielle had gotten her peculiar hair and her beautiful eyes.

"Here are the cookies."

Haerin turned as soon as she heard the omega's voice. Danielle put the tray she was carrying on the table and sat down on the soft sofa that presided over the room.

Her little brother preferred to drop on the carpet, the brunette looked at them, not quite sure if she should accompany them,

until the younger of them patted the space next to her on the sofa. The alpha sat down, quite close to danielle but no one seemed to mind.

"I brought apple juice, I don't know if you like it."

"Apple juice is the best! It's jisu's and my favorite!"

Haerin smiled subtly looking at the little boy, "So it's danielle's favorite?"

Jisung nodded, "Then I'll love it."  and the 

The alpha took the glass and raised it to her lips, ignoring the blush that had appeared on the plump cheeks of the opposite.

"Danielle looks like a tomato!" exclaimed jisung.

Danielle adored her little brother but at that moment under the amused gaze of the alpha that was making her so nervous,

she wished she had some duct tape to cover her mouth, or a bag to hide from the extremely attractive lopsided smile of the brunette.



This is our baby jisung

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This is our baby jisung.

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