☆ nine ☆

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She stopped her steps when she heard the most beautiful voice in the word pronounce her name.

An automatic smile spread across her lips as she turned and saw the little omega running towards.

"Good morning, haerin."

Danielle's arms wrapped around her momentarily, and warmth spread through her chest. The omega's sweet scent enveloped her, instantly improving her morning.

She could definitely get used to that. "Good morning, dani." she responded when the hug was broken.

The two girls continued on their way to class together, chatting about how delicious danielle's muffins were from the day before,

while each and every student in the hallways watched the scene in disbelief.

The whispers and prying glanced preceded them, and it wasn't every day that the sweetest and most desired student in the entire institute hugged the most feared alpha.

That was like watching a bunny give its paw to a tiger, unnatural.

That friendship was against all the natural laws of adolescent social circles.

The marginalized and the popular? What is this, a cliché wattpad novel?

Renjun was already in class waiting for his best friend with one of his pretty smiles,

which slowly faded when he saw her enter, chatting animatedly with haerin.

When the red-haired girl saw her, she gave him a big a smile and walked up to him, dragging the alpha next to her.

"Renjun, this is haerin unnie. Haerin, this is renjun. Surely you've never introduced each other."

Danielle spoke excitedly, "No, I never had the.. pleasure." renjun said with notable irony.

Haerin wanted to get away as soon as possible, she didn't like meeting new people,

and having danielle's friend look at her like she was a child kidnapper in a white van didn't help either.

But danielle looked so happy, so excited, with her beautiful eyes shining with happiness,

as if nothing made her more excited than introducing them, as if she really cared.

That girl was her downfall. Haerin forced herself to put on her most neutral expression and look at renjun.

"Nice to meet you."

The omega looked at her as if she had grown another head.

"Likewise.." he responded distrustfully. Danielle clapped her hands happily.

"See, renjun? I told you haerin was great."

Renjun nodded lamely, not wanting to argue with her friend.

Meanwhile, haerin could only think that danielle thought she was great.

She couldn't help but smile, although when she realized that that omega was looking at her with a frown, she returned to her neutral expression.

When professor jung entered class, haerin returned to her seat and danielle took a seat next to renjun.

"Are you crazy? Are you friends now?" Renjun asked in a whisper while the teacher wrote on the blackboard.

"Yes I am, do you have a problem?"

Danielle's tone made it clear that if the answer to that question was wrong, they were going to have problems.

Very serious problems.

"No, it's just.. I don't like it. Listen to me, dani, haerin can't be trusted."

"I'm tired of your 'not trustworthy', huang, those are nothing more than prejudices." that she had not called him by his name wasn't a good sign.

"I'm sorry, dani, it just doesn't feel good to me."

"But it's not a fish, it doesn't have to give you any bones." she responded, pouting in frustration.

Renjun suppressed a laugh, his friend was hopeless.

"I have an idea!" danielle suddenly exclaimed with her australian accent, maybe a little too loud, because the entire class turned towards her, including mr. jung.

"Would you like to share that idea with the rest of the class, miss marsh?" asked the teacher.

The omega's cheeks turned bright red, she looked down embarrassed and began to play with her hands.

"I'm very sorry, mr. jung, it won't happen again." she apologized in a soft voice.

Danielle had awakened the protective instict of all the alphas and betas in the classroom, including the teacher who gave her a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, we all get lost from time to time."

Danielle returned a huge smile and an effusive nod of her head.

"Dani, you're lucky you're so adorable, so no one notices that you're actually a mess."

the two friends laughed softly, "Now, tell me that idea."

"The three of us have to go out together. This way you'll see that haerin isn't scary at all, and that she's a great girl."

Danielle smiled excitedly, convinced that that was the best idea ever.

"No way, no, no, no. And since when do you haerin so familiarly?"

Danielle's cheeks turned red again and she looked away.

"Since yesterday, she started calling me dani." she said and smiled softly, remembering the moment when the alpha called her that for the first time.

She still wanted to know what haerin was thinking when she did that,

"Oh my god." renjun said, separating the words, "You like her, right?"

Danielle's cheeks turned even redder if possible and her eyes widened.

"What?! No!"

"Don't lie to me, I know you better than you know yourself." Renjun snorted, "You better organize that outing, I have to say a few things to that brainless alpha. If she does something bad to you, she'll deal with me."

"Shut up, renjun."

Danielle was extremely embarrassed, she didn't like the brunette, no, nope, not at all.

Haerin was just her friend, a friend who made her nervous and who made pleasant tickles travel from her feet to her head, leaving a sweet sensation.

Nothing special.

Danielle looked at the alpha, meeting her honey-colored eyes squarely.

Haerin smiled and quickly looked back at the board, embarassed.

Renjun's soft giggle was heard in the background.

She might like haerin, just a little bit.


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