☆ five ☆

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Haerin was used to eating junk food, hamburgers from fast food, tons and tons of industrial pastries.

That's why, when the small chocolate chip cookie brushed against her taste buds, she couldn't help but close her eyes and moan with satisfaction.

"Do you like the cookies, haehae noona?" haerin was too focused on tasting the sweet to answer, 

too focused to even process jisung's nickname, so she just nodded. 

"I made them!! Well, danielle helped me a little, she mixed it and shaped them and she put them in the oven too.. but I added the chocolate chips!"

"And everyone knows that the most important part of the cookies are the seeds." jisung declared proudly.

Danielle laughed and shook her head, thinking that her brother was hopeless,

while haerin looked at the omega in admiration, was there anything she couldn't do?

"These are the best cookies I have ever eaten." haerin said frankly, that snack was as almost sweet as danielle's blushing cheeks.

Haerin just wanted to squeeze them in her hands and kiss danielle's plump lips.

She wanted to see to what extent the omega's tender face could blush. 

"You're exaggerating, unnie," said danielle, looking away embarassed and unable to retain a shy, flattered smile.

"Danielle is the best cook in the world! She always makes me cakes and buns, mom says that if she keeps feeding me, I will become as round as a ball."

Jisung accompanied his words by opening his arms around his body and putting out his cheeks a lot, as if he were a very fat person.

Danielle laughed softly and looked at her little brother tenderly.

"I think mom is right, I shouldn't give you any more sweets."

"No, danielle! Not the sweets!" exclaimed jisung in alarm and his older sister laughed again.

"I was just joking, little one." she said, ruffling the frightened boy's hair, haerin just smiled while tasting another one of the delicious cookies.

Before arriving at danielle's house, she thought that she wouldn't know how to act or say, that she would feel uncomfortable in front of the sweet omega, nervous, and that she would end up scaring her away.

However, being with the two siblings was, in some way, comforting. This place was cozy,

and danielle's sweetness seemed to permeate every corner of the house, filling it with light and enveloping haerin in a fluffy cloud of happiness.

"I would never have imagined that you knew how to cook." 

"Well, I learned when I was very little, nanny taught me."

"Nanny?" Haerin asked partly out of curiosity and mostly because of how danielle's face seemed to have lit up when she talked about her.

"Nanny, is our grandmother, she has a small pastry shop in an old neighborhood of Busan."

"Nanny is great, she always lets me lick the stirring spoon after making cookies!" jisung interjected,

"She was the one who taught me how to cook, I would like to follow in her footsteps and become a great pastry chef, maybe i'll open my own pastry shop."

Danielle's dreamy air enveloped haerin and for a moment she imagined the omega dressed in an apron and with traces of flour on her ckeeks,

cooking what might be a delicious cream cake while she gazes at her gawking, and from time to time tries a little dough just to annoy danielle.

Haerin stopped those thoughts and mentally beat herself up, she was in serious trouble, being exposed for so long to danielle's intoxicating scent was taking its toll on the alpha.

"This.. danielle, we have been working for a long time, maybe we should stop for today and continue another day."

She would be lying if she said she wasn't tired, and the idea of being alone with danielle for another day seemed really tempting.

"Sure, unnie, sorry, sometimes I lose track of time. We can meet again tomorrow, if that's okay with you, of course, if you-"

"No!" she interrupted abruptly, startling danielle, "I mean, I have nothing to do, we can meet, to finish the job." she hastened to add.

Danielle smiled, she had feared that haerin wouldn't feel like spending another afternoon scooped up with her and a pile of books,

but, for some reason, haerin's acceptance filled her with a strange, warm joy. 

Danielle was dying to tell renjun that she was right, that he shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

Haerin wasn't bad nor unpleasant, she was a very intelligent person, despite what everyone thought,

she had been very sweet to her little brother, she was also the most beautiful alpha danielle had ever seen, although she preferred not to dwell on it too much.

When haerin left, she couldn't erase the stupid smile that had spread on her face, her inner alpha was raging,

and she could still smell danielle's scent on her clothes, the omega was like a dream come true and it was comforting to know that she wasn't afraid of her.

Perhaps, she was the first person after haechan who didn't avoid her because of her intimidating presence.

This time she arrived in time to catch the bus, although she preferred not to have done so,

The bus stopped about two blocks from her house, and haerin walked slowly to the door of the mansion.

The door man opened the door, greeting her with a, 'welcome back, miss haerin', as if it were a recording on an answering machine.

She nodded in response and walked up the marble stairs to her room. She fell heavily onto the king size mattress and closed her eyes, taking her mind back to the omega's house,

their homes were so different, danielle's radiated familiar warmth in every square meter and hers was so extremely cold that it made her blood run cold.

Although, for haerin, all places were cold without the presence of her omega. 



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