☆ eleven ☆

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"Can you remind me again why I agreed to this?"

"Because you owe me, I helped you break up with hanni and I welcomed you into my house when your parents found out you were gay and kicked you out,

besides, it won't be that bad, we're just going to watch a movie, and danielle's friend is pretty pretty, he is small, has those puffy cheeks and has white hair and sparkly eyes, definitely your type."

Haechan sighed in resignation, they should meet danielle and renjun at six o'clock sharp at the entrance of the cinema.

It was half past five and the two alphas were already leaning against the front of the store, well more like just one, who watched with amusement as her friend turned from one side to the other, about to bite her nails because of the nerves.

"How do I act with her? We're supposed to be friends now, but I don't know how to behave with a friend. My only friend is you, and you are just as stupid as me so there is no need to hide."


"I'm going to screw up, I'm sure she thinks I'm a brainless alpha who just wants to mark her, I'm not good at hiding how much I like it when she's around."

"You are a brainless alpha who wants to mark her."

"Do we know what move we're going to see? If we choose a scary one, maybe she will get scared and hug me, would that be good or bad? But what if I can't control myself?!"

Haechan rolled his eyes and took out his phone, if haerin had decided to ignore him then he should play Candy Crush. 

He had to admit, it was fun to see his friend in that state.

Kang haerin was always someone of few words, if she wanted something he took it, and if he didn't like something he said so.

No matter the moment or how inappropriate it was to say to say that the dress made haechan's mother fat when his mother was present.

She didn't tend to think too much about things and she was quite impulsive.

Therefore, the brunette didn't doubt that danielle was haerin's destined partner.

For that reason, every time she had the opportunity, she would use the omega's name in their conversations.

"Hey, haerin, I want to eat cake" 

"Did you know that dani wants to be a pastry chef?"

"Seriously let's go out, I really want to eat cake."

"In a few years, we will be able to go to her bakery to eat."

"But I don't want to eat cake in a few years, I want it now."

"You know who likes things in the moment too? Danielle!"

Haerin was insufferable.

Another clear sign was that haerin's usually bored and indifferent face seemed to transform when she talked about danielle.

Her eyes shone and her mouth automatically twisted into a soft smile. Haechan was happy for his friend, that was one of the main reasons why he had decided to accompany her.

He would later discover that it had been a good idea.

Haerin felt her hands sweating, and her heart rate was dangerously close to heart attack speed.

She had already seen danielle outside of school, twice, but this was different. 

They were no longer doing any school project and it was not any kind of obligation.

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