Guess we're Grandparents now?

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Synopsis: Caelynn's Dog is pregnant. Guess she should break the news to the other dogs' mom right?


Caelynn's POV:

The vet smiled warmly at Caelynn as she delivered the news "Congrats Caelynn, Peanut is pregnant."

Caelynn's eyes widened in horror. "What?" she gasped. "Pregnant? How is that even possible? I mean...I didn't even know she was in heat!"

The vet gave a gentle shrug. "It happens," she said. "Dogs can be quite sneaky when it comes to these things."

As the vet explained the signs and symptoms of dog pregnancy, Caelynn's mind raced with memories of the dog park where it all happened. She remembered how Peanut  had been swarmed by male dogs, and one in particular just wouldn't leave her alone. She hadn't realized at the time that she was in heat.

She vividly remembered the moment a tiny, long-haired chihuahua started mating with Peanut, and how she and the other dog's owner had desperately tried to break them apart.

As she processed the shock of the news, Caelynn couldn't help but feel a creeping sense of embarrassment. She couldn't believe that her dog had gotten pregnant out of wedlock!

"Oh my god, I can't believe this is happening," Caelynn muttered.

The vet chuckled and patted her on the back in consolation. Caelynn started to think of how she would tell the other dog's owner about their upcoming grand puppies. She was mortified at the thought of having to tell them that their dog had gotten her dog knocked up at the dog park.

Caelynn shook her head in disbelief and muttered to herself, "Well, this is just great. I'm going to have to call a stranger to tell them that their dog is going to be a father."

The vet couldn't help but laugh at Caelynn's predicament. She handed her a pamphlet on how to care for a pregnant dog and gave her some advice on what to expect. "Well, Goodluck! I'll see you on Peanut's next appointment."

"Thanks Doc."


As Caelynn dialed the number written on the now torn and crumpled paper that the woman gave her, her heart raced with nervousness. She barely knew the other dog's owner, Eden. They had only spoken briefly when they were trying to separate their dogs at the park. She hoped that Eden wouldn't be too angry and that she would be willing to work with her to make sure their dogs and the puppies were taken care of.

To her surprise, Eden picked up on the second ring, ""Hello?" a voice answered.

"Hi, is this Eden?" Caelynn asked tentatively.

"Yes, it is. Who is this?" Eden asked.

"It's Caelynn, we met at the dog park a few weeks ago. Our dog got kind of friendly if you know what I mean," Caelynn said awkwardly.

Eden let out a chuckle. "Oh yeah, I remember. What's up?"

"Well you're gonna be a grandma?" Caelynn said, chuckling awkwardly.

"Really?" Eden drawled. "The little guy finally managed to do it, huh? Kieyw is going to be a dad?"

"Yeah he is."

"Wow! That little guy has got some moves!" Eden exclaimed

Caelynn couldn't help but laugh a little at Eden's reaction. It was a relief to know that Eden wasn't angry or annoyed.

"I know, it's crazy. The vet just confirmed that Peanut is pregnant, and I wanted to let you know," Caelynn explained.

"I mean, I guess we should have been more careful, but...we're going to be grandparents!"

Caelynn chuckled again, feeling more at ease now. "Yeah, I guess we are," she said.

There was a moment of silence, and then Eden spoke again, "Hey, We should get our dogs together again sometime," Eden suggested.

"Yeah, maybe once the puppies are born," Caelynn said hesitantly. It wasn't that she didn't want to see Eden again, but there was a certain awkwardness to the situation. She didn't want Eden to think she was only contacting her because of the puppies.

Eden picked up on Caelynn's hesitation. "Or, maybe we could just grab a coffee or something? I'd love to get to know you better. And of course, check up on our grand puppies!"

Caelynn felt a flutter in her chest as she listened to Eden's words. They had only met briefly, but there was something about her that made Caelynn feel warm and fuzzy inside. Maybe this whole situation wasn't so bad after all. Maybe it was even the start of something good.

"Yeah, that sounds great," Caelynn said, feeling a smile spread across her face. "I'd like that a lot."

Eden laughed, and Caelynn couldn't help but smile at the sound. "Great! Let's make plans then," Eden said. "Actually, can I get your address? So I know where my daughter-in-law and grandbabies lives."

Caelynn giggled, "yeah I guess? I mean you're not coming over to steal Peanut away right?" She teased.

Eden laughed. "No, no, I promise I won't steal Peanut," she said playfully. "I just want to make sure I know where to drop off gifts for our grand puppies!"

Caelynn laughed along with her, feeling more relaxed around Eden now. "Sure, I'll give you my address,"

"So can I just drop by unannounced? when the babies are born I mean." Eden asked

Caelynn shrugged even though Eden can't see it, before picking up Peanut and putting her in her carrier. "Yeah sure, I work from home so I'm there all the time."

"Ok, Good to know." Eden hummed from the other end of the line. "Well, I gotta go. You have my number, text if you or Peanut need anything yeah?"

"Okay, sounds perfect. Bye!" Caelynn said before clicking end.

Caelynn found herself smiling after she hung up the phone. She couldn't help but think that Eden was kind of cute, and she was excited to see her again. Whenever that is.


Caelynn had just settled onto her couch with Peanut, who had nestled up next to her, when she heard a loud knock at the door. She groaned inwardly, wondering who could possibly be bothering her at this hour.

As she got up and made her way to the door, Peanut followed her closely, wagging her tail. As she opened the door, she was met with the smiling face of Eden, holding two cups of coffee in one hand and dog diapers and dog food in the other. "Surprise!" Eden said, holding up the coffee for Caelynn to take. "I thought we could have that coffee date now."

Caelynn couldn't help but giggle at the sight of Eden standing on her doorstep, looking so pleased and confident. Her arms full of diapers and dog food. It was clear that she was excited to be a part of this experience, and Caelynn was grateful for her support. 

"Sure thing," she said, stepping aside to let Eden in. "Come on in."

As Eden walked through the door, Caelynn felt a sense of warmth spread through her chest. This whole situation might have started off as something strange and unexpected, but she couldn't help feeling like it was leading her somewhere wonderful.


(A/N:) I have lots of ideas but most of them aren't enough to make one whole story so I decided I'll make this compilation and just dump my ideas when I get them. Whatcha think?

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