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Synopsis: Red Flag Engfa

(A/N:) You guys, moving forward with this compilation, I think I would be using E and C's real names as well as the rest of MGT22's names, because if I don't, I'm gonna run out of names pretty soon 😂


Charlotte's POV:

I can't help but feel a flutter in my chest as I catch sight of Engfa across the crowded room. She's undeniably gorgeous, with abs to die for and perfect doe eyes that seem to see right through me. But it's not just her looks that draw me in - it's the way she carries herself, with an air of detachment and nonchalance that makes my heart skip a beat.

I've been dating her for a few months now, and I can't deny that she's a red flag. She's moody, prone to sudden outbursts, and seems to enjoy pushing me away. But I can't help it - I'm hopelessly in love with her.

As I make my way over to her, I notice the way she barely looks up from her phone as I approach. It's a familiar pattern by now - Emgfa is always distracted, always preoccupied with something else. But I don't let it get to me - I know that love requires patience and understanding.

"Hey," I say softly, trying to catch her eye. "What are you up to tonight?"

Emgfa looks up at me, her expression neutral. "Nothing much," she says, tapping away at her screen once more. "You?"

I force a smile and try to read between the lines. "I was thinking we could go out for dinner or something," I suggest, hoping to spark some interest in her. "Maybe catch a movie afterwards?"

Engfa shrugs, her response noncommittal. "Sure," she says, still not meeting my gaze. "Whatever you want."

Engfa's response is lukewarm at best, but I'm determined to make the most of the evening. We head out to a restaurant nearby, and the conversation is stilted and forced. Engfa is distracted, picking at her food and barely making eye contact. I try to engage her in conversation, but she seems more interested in her phone than anything I have to say.

After dinner, we decide to catch a movie. We settle into our seats, and I try to focus on the film, but Engfa's sudden change of mood is palpable. As the movie progressed, she became increasingly clingy and touchy, her hands constantly on my arm or leg. It was a welcome change from her usual aloofness, and I found myself enjoying the physical contact.

Engfa leaned closer, her lips brushing my cheek. "Sorry I didn't pick you up earlier, I was busy." she murmured.

Her words sent a shiver down my spine. I couldn't believe how quickly our mood had changed. Just moments ago, she had been distant and preoccupied, and now she was practically clinging to me.

I reached up and gently cupped her face, my fingers tracing the contours of her cheeks. "It's okay, I'm just glad you're here now." I said, blushing.

Engfa smiled, her eyes sparkling. "Me too," she confessed, her voice barely a whisper.

For all her red flags and mood swings, Engfa truly does care for me. And I care for her just as deeply. I pecked her on the lips quickly and snuggled into her, turning back to watch the movie.


As we walk out into the night, hand in hand, I know that our relationship may be complicated and challenging at times, but it's worth fighting for. The car ride home was silent, Engfa focused on the road while I sit quietly, staring out the window. It's a comfortable silence though, I don't mind it.

We arrived in front of my building and Engfa got out, standing in front of the door. I quickly opened my own door and jogged towards her.

"I had fun tonight, Thank you P'fa." I said, looking up at her with a smile.

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