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Short Drabble: 1st Meeting (both are actors)


"Remember when we first met?" Charlotte asked, her voice husky, eyes catching the city's neon reflection.

Engfa's smile softened. "The audition room, right? You were reading for the rival, all fire and fury, and I was this awkward mess tripping over my lines."

Charlotte snorted, the sound bubbling up from her chest. "You weren't that bad. Just endearingly clumsy."

"And you," Engfa countered, leaning closer, "were terrifyingly brilliant. I knew then you'd steal the show, and my heart."

The words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken desire. Charlotte's breath hitched, her gaze locking with Engfa's. For a heartbeat, the world stilled, the city lights dimming to mere background noise. Then, a car horn blared from the street below, shattering the spell.

Charlotte forced a laugh, stepping back. "Come on, Romeo. Juliet needs her beauty sleep before tomorrow's shoot."

Engfa's heart ached, the echo of her unspoken reply, "And her Romeo needs hers, right beside her," dying in her throat.

Charlotte slipped into bed, pulling the covers up to her chin. Engfa followed suit, settling in beside her. They lay in silence for a few moments, the only sound the soft rustle of sheets.

Charlotte's heart was pounding in her chest, her mind racing with thoughts she dared not voice. Engfa's presence was a comfort, but also a source of tension. She wanted her more than anything, but she couldn't shake the fear that she didn't feel the same way.

Engfa's hand reached out, brushing against Charlotte's arm. She tensed, unsure of what to make of the gesture. But then her fingers traced lazy circles on her skin, sending shivers down her spine.

Charlotte turned to face her, her eyes searching hers for any sign of hesitation. But all she saw was desire, burning bright in her gaze. She swallowed hard, her throat dry with anticipation.

Engfa leaned in, her lips brushing against hers in a soft, tentative kiss. Charlotte responded eagerly, her hands tangling in her hair as she deepened the kiss. Their bodies pressed together, heat and need building between them.

As they broke apart for air, Charlotte whispered, "I want you."

Engfa's smile was wicked as she replied, "I want you too."

They moved together with a frenzied urgency, their bodies entwined in a dance of passion. Charlotte lost herself in the sensation of Engfa's touch, her hands exploring every inch of her skin. She moaned softly as she trailed kisses down her neck, sending shivers through her body.

In the aftermath of their lovemaking, they lay together, spent and content. Charlotte felt a sense of peace wash over her, knowing that she was exactly where she belonged - with Engfa by her side.

As they drifted off to sleep, Charlotte whispered a silent prayer that this love would last forever. And as Engfa's breathing evened out beside her, she knew that it just might.

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