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Synopsis: Caidynn had a bad day, Emery fixes it with onesies and cuddles.


Caidynn trudged through the door, her shoulders heavy with the weight of the day.  She had a really rough day at work. She had been dealing with a difficult client all day, and to make matters worse, her computer had crashed right before she was due to give an important presentation. All she wanted to do was go home and forget about the day's events.

As she opened the front door of their shared apartment, she was met with the sweet and comforting aroma of Emery's cooking. The smell of mac and cheese wafting through the air brought tears to Caidynn's eyes - not because she was sad, but because she had an overwhelming sense of relief that she was finally home. The dullness of the day seemed to drain from her as she was enveloped in the warmth of Emery's embrace.

"Rough day?" Emery asked, running her fingers through Caidynn's hair.

Caidynn nodded, sinking deeper into Emery's arms. "Just one of those days where everything goes wrong."

"Well, let's fix that," Emery said, pulling away to look at Caidynn. "How about we have a movie night?"

Caidynn raised an eyebrow. "Yeah?"

Emery grinned. "Yes, movie night. We're going to change into onesies, eat junk food, and watch movies while cuddling on the couch. I'll even let you pick the movie."

Caidynn couldn't help but chuckle at Emery's enthusiasm. "Okay, let's do it."

Emery led Caidynn to their bedroom, where she had already lined up their tiger onesies on the bed. The two quickly changed into their matching outfits. The sight of her girlfriend in such an adorable outfit made Caidynn smile for the first time all day.

Caidynn slid her arms through the sleeves of the onesie, feeling the soft fabric against her skin. "This is so cozy," she said, looking down at her tiger-striped self.

Caidynn couldn't help but giggle as she watched Emery struggle to get hers on.

"Need some help there, Emery?" Caidynn asked, a playful grin on her face.

Emery pouted. "No, I'm good, thanks."

"Fine, zip me up then." Caidynn chuckled, turning around so Emery could zip up the back of her onesie. As Emery zipped it up, she leaned in to place a soft kiss on Caidynn's neck, making her shiver with delight.

"Hey, no distracting me," Caidynn said, trying to hide her smile.

Emery laughed, taking Caidynn's hand and leading her back to the living room. "Okay, okay. Let's get back to our movie night."

"You look pretty cute babe," Caidynn said, admiring Emery's onesie.

Emery smiled mischievousl. "And you look like a stuffed animal come to life."

Caidynn rolled her eyes playfully, pulling the hood of her onesie over her head. "I'll take that as a compliment."

"I'm kidding baby, you look adorable." Emery smiled, squeezing Caidynn's cheeks.

Caidynn blushed, feeling the stress of the day slowly melting away. She was grateful for Emery's playful and caring spirit, and even more grateful for this moment of lightheartedness.

"Alright, let's pick a movie and get this movie night started," Emery said, grabbing the remote.

Emery handed Caidynn a bowl of piping hot mac and cheese and a soda, and they snuggled up on the couch together, watching a movie.

Throughout the movie, Emery would periodically check in on Caidynn, asking if she needed more food or a different drink. Caidynn felt like a child again, being looked after by her partner.

She felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders as they watched a cheesy rom-com. Emery would occasionally stroke her arm or whisper sweet nothings in her ear. And the rest of the night was filled with laughter, bad jokes, and more movies.

But as the night wore on, Caidynn started to feel restless. She couldn't shake off the feeling that she had a lot of things that she needed to do, and not enough time to do them all.

"Emery, I need to go," Caidynn said suddenly, startling her girlfriend from her own half-asleep state.

"What? What do you mean?" Emery asked, concerned.

"I have so much to do!" Caidynn whimpers, hair frazzled and wide eyed, shaking from the stress and exhaustion. "I don't have any time to rest! I have to finish organizing the file. I have to get those papers to Nima — and Phalo, I need to get Phalo but I haven't fixed her cage yet and I've run out of—"

"Shhhh." Ignoring Caidynn's distressed protests, Emery gently guides her down beside her. Coaxing Caidynn to put her head under Emery's chin. "It's okay, it can wait a little while. Just close your eyes and breathe. Deep breathes...in and out. That's it."

Caidynn is fast asleep in less than a minute.

Emery smiled softly, stroking Caidynn's back. "I love you my little tiger."


(A/N:) Inspired by FireTigerXENGLOT event if it wasn't obvious yet 😅

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(A/N:) Inspired by FireTigerXENGLOT event if it wasn't obvious yet 😅

Also on my post earlier, Two comments wanted this to be updated instead of my other stories so here ya go!

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