Method Acting

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Synopsis: What I imagine could happen on the set of Petrichor 🤭


Engfa paced their shared trailer, muttering under her breath. Her brow was furrowed, browline creased with concentration. She tossed a stray strand of hair over her shoulder, the frustration in her eyes evident. Charlotte, sprawled on the plush armchair, watched her girlfriend with a pout that could rival any heartbroken ingenue.

Engfa was prepping for a particularly intense scene in their new series. Her character, a headstrong detective, was about to confront a dangerous suspect. Charlotte knew the drill. Engfa threw herself entirely into her roles, a method actress who thrived on inhabiting the emotions of her characters. But sometimes, it meant complete detachment from the world around her.

Charlotte sighed, the whoosh of air barely registering on Engfa's radar. She picked up a magazine from the coffee table, flipping through the pages with a disinterest that mirrored Engfa's current oblivion.

Every few minutes, Charlotte would peek over the glossy cover, hoping to catch Engfa's eye. But Engfa remained locked in her world, muttering lines with increasing intensity.

Finally, Charlotte couldn't take it anymore. She tossed the magazine aside with a dramatic flourish, the sound sharp enough to pierce Engfa's concentration.

Engfa's head snapped up, surprise flashing across her features before morphing back into the steely gaze of her character.

"Let's rehearse, Charlotte?" Engfa asked, her voice clipped and professional.

Charlotte huffed, a theatrical pout replacing her initial annoyance. "Actually," she said, her voice dripping with mock seriousness, "I believe my role requires some... attention from my leading lady."

The facade finally cracked. A smile, slow and teasing, spread across Engfa's face. She melted out of her character, the detective replaced by the warm, loving girlfriend Charlotte knew.

"Is that so?" Engfa said, her voice dropping to a husky whisper. She sauntered towards Charlotte, each step deliberate and predatory.

Charlotte couldn't help but grin, her earlier sulking forgotten. "That's exactly so, Detective," she replied, batting her eyelashes playfully.

Engfa chuckled, the sound rich and warm. Leaning down, she brushed a stray hair – or maybe it was Kieyw's fur – from Charlotte's cheek. "Maybe we should take a break," she murmured, her lips hovering tantalizingly close to Charlotte's ear.

Charlotte shivered, a delicious thrill coursing through her. "I thought you never break character, Detective?" she teased, leaning into Engfa's touch.

Engfa's smile turned sly. "Some roles require a different kind of method acting, sweetheart," she whispered before capturing Charlotte's lips in a kiss that was anything but detached.

The kiss was a delicious departure from the tense atmosphere Engfa had cultivated. Charlotte tasted like strawberries and something warm and uniquely hers, a stark contrast to the gritty intensity she'd been cultivating.

Pulling away reluctantly, Engfa traced a finger down Charlotte's cheek, her thumb lingering on the soft skin below her eye. "Sorry, love," she murmured, a hint of apology lacing her voice. "Got a little lost in character."

Charlotte leaned into her touch, a contented sigh escaping her lips. "Don't worry about it," she said, her voice husky. "I understand. You're Detective Rivera right now, not Engfa."

Engfa winced. "Detective Rivera is a bit... emotionally unavailable at the moment."

A playful glint entered Charlotte's eyes. "Well then, maybe Dr. Miller can offer some... emotional support?" she said, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

Engfa's lips quirked up. "Mhmm, And what kind of support would that be?"

Charlotte scooted closer on the plush armchair, patting the space beside her. "The therapeutic kind, of course," she said, batting her eyelashes innocently. "Maybe some stress relief techniques? A relaxing massage, perhaps?"

Engfa couldn't help but laugh, the sound echoing through the small trailer. "Very subtle, Dr. Miller. But alright, you've convinced me. Detective Rivera could use a break."

She settled beside Charlotte, their shoulders brushing. The air crackled with unspoken desire, a welcome change from the tense energy of the scene Engfa had been rehearsing.

"So, Dr. Miller," Engfa began, her voice dropping to a husky whisper that sent shivers down Charlotte's spine, "how would you recommend I de-stress?"

Charlotte leaned in, her breath warm against Engfa's ear. "Well, Detective," she murmured, her voice laced with amusement, "I believe a thorough examination is in order."

Their laughter mingled, a sweet melody that filled the trailer. The lines between reality and their on-screen roles blurred, replaced by the comfortable intimacy they shared.  For now, Detective Rivera and Dr. Miller could wait. Engfa and Charlotte had a different kind of scene to play, a scene fueled by love, laughter, and the promise of a well-deserved break.


(A/N:) btw, Silk & Steel probably won't get update until next week, quite busy right now 🫡👍

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