Whiskey Neat

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Synopsis: Inspired by Englot's upcoming series, Love Bully


Charlotte would not consider herself an alcoholic. Sure she went to the same bar after every shift but that was to unwind. To relax. The same as countless others who also absolutely did not have a problem with alcohol.

Could she be blamed for wanting to enjoy excellently crafted drinks as a way to decompress after a grueling shift? She was a doctor and a damned good one at that. Surely that allowed her some slack? She exercised often and didn't smoke so, in her very professional opinion, she earned a modicum of leniency for this one single vice.

Of course it had nothing to do with the staff at this specific bar. Not at all. Sure the dark haired bartender was charismatic but it was part of the job wasn't it? No. Charlotte was clearly only here for alcohol and maybe the old western movies they usually played this time of day.

This Thursday afternoon was like any other as the tall doctor jammed her cold hands into the pocket of her oversized hoodie. Poor circulation aside, the air had a chill to it and Charlotte cursed at herself for forgetting her long warm coat at the hospital. Taking a brief moment to look both ways down the otherwise deserted street, she hustled across to get out of the cold autumn rain.

Swinging the heavy wooden door open, the woman took a moment to tousle her long and now wet locks. It was a small North Blue style pub with a low ceiling and outdated stools haphazardly brought along the old wooden bartop.

At four in the afternoon on a weekday, it was expectedly devoid of anyone besides the aforementioned bartender. Not that Charlotte knew her schedule well enough to know she'd find the younger woman watching old western movies on the old television behind the bar. It was all purely circumstantial.

Without turning to acknowledge the arrival of her damp patron, Engfa filled a glass with ice and began making a drink. With deft movements betraying her familiarity of the bar's layout, she worked quickly without needing to look away from the grainy black and white film. A coaster was slid and a drink presented before Charlotte even finished sitting down.

"You didn't even ask what I wanted- what if I was going to order a beer?" The doctor attempted to keep her tone as level and uninterested as she could. Of course she had the woman's order memorized. Not that Charlotte found the level of attention attractive or anything. However when Engfa turned to level a dry stare and a raised eyebrow in response, Charlotte could feel her vain attempts at a protest dying on her tongue.

It wasn't the steely gaze that rendered the brown haired woman speechless. It was the sudden recognition that the white button up Engfa was wearing was at least a size too small for the bartender's well endowed chest. Throat suddenly dry, Charlotte sat and quickly took a drink from the glass in front of her.

How utterly sinful. There was no way the dark haired woman didn't know what she was doing. With a smug grunt, Engfa smirked and turned her attention back to the film. It gave Charlotte the perfect excuse to rake her eyes over the sexy expanse of Engfa's back. The poor fabric strained to contain the woman's well toned muscles. She would have felt pity for the shirt if it wasn't for the parade of mental images she was quickly trying to dismiss before a new problem arose for her.

Subtly crossing her legs, Charlotte felt her cheeks grow bright red and turned her attention back to the drink. No, Engfa absolutely knew what she was doing and the doctor would have been unimpressed at the blatant behavior if it hadn't been so damn effective.

At this point, a few other patrons had made their way into the bar. They were greeted in a similar manner with drinks made before they laid claim to their usual stools. Charlotte quickly tuned the idle chatter they started out, content to watch the film.

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