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(A/N:) Let's pray for Phalo to get better soon guys, Charlotte can't lose her baby this soon. 🥲

Synopsis: Ender goes home to a surprise.


Ender was sitting in her office, drowning in paperwork, when she received a text from her girlfriend, Cayla. It read, "don't be mad but I did something." Ender raised an eyebrow in confusion and quickly replied, "what did you do?"

But after that, there was no reply from Cayla. Ender checked her phone every few minutes, growing more and more curious and worried with each passing moment. All kinds of thoughts raced through her mind. Had something happened to Cayla? Was she in trouble? Had she done something reckless?

Ender's mind was a whirlwind of anxiety until she finally managed to finish her work and head home. As soon as she walked in the door, she saw something small and furry dart across the living room. She blinked and looked again, and her eyes widened as she realized what it was - a bunny?

"Cayla, what have you done?" Ender asked with a mix of amusement and exasperation.

"I got us a new pet!" Cayla exclaimed, beaming with pride. "Isn't she cute? I couldn't resist."

"But we already have Kieyw," Ender pointed out, gesturing to their little chihuahua who was looking up at them innocently. "Isn't that enough?"

Cayla pouted for a moment, but then she looked up at Ender with puppy-dog eyes and said, "please? Just look at her! She's so fluffy!"

Ender chuckled softly at Cayla's attempts to win her over. "You know I can't resist you when you look at me like that," she said with a smile. "But you do realize that taking care of another pet means more work for us, right?"

Cayla's face lit up with excitement. "I'll take care of her, I promise! And Kieyw will have a new friend to play with!" She scooped up the bunny and held it close to her chest. "Please, Ender? I already named her Phalo!"

Ender rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help the smile that was tugging at the corners of her lips. She knew that Cayla had a weakness for cute, fluffy animals, just like she did.

"I don't know, Cayla," Ender sighed, trying to sound serious. "We already have our hands full with Kieyw. Taking care of another pet is a lot of work."

"But bunnies are easy to take care of," Cayla countered, already inching closer to the bunny and petting it. "Look, she's already litter-trained!"

Ender rolled her eyes playfully but couldn't deny that the bunny was cute. "Alright, Phalo can stay, but only because she's adorable and you'll take care of her," she said, giving in to Cayla's persuasion. "But you owe me big time."

Cayla grinned and wrapped her arms around Ender in a tight hug. "You're the best, you know that?" she said, giving her a quick kiss.

Ender chuckled and hugged her back. "I know," she said.

They settled on the couch with Kieyw, Ender with her arm around Cayla's shoulder and the other one petting Kieyw.

"Just promise me you won't make a habit out of buying pets without warning me first," Ender teased, leaning into Cayla's side.

Cayla laughed and placed a kiss on Ender's forehead. "I promise," she said, cuddling Phalo in her arms. "But I can't make any promises about adopting every cute animal I see!"


(A/N) just a short drabble dedicated to little Phalo ❤️

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