Best Friends

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(A/N:) I don't like using their real names but this is an exception 😌

Charlotte's POV:

Both are 11 years old here...

"Once upon a time, the moon and the sun were two celestial beings who fell deeply in love. They were like two halves of a whole, constantly yearning to be together despite the vast distance between them.

During the day, the sun would shine brightly in the sky, providing light and warmth to the world below. And at night, the moon would rise, casting a soft, luminous glow that captured the hearts of all who gazed upon it.

Despite their separation, the moon would always wait patiently for the sun to rise again. And when the sun finally emerged, the moon would bask in its warmth and light, relishing in the feeling of being reunited with its true love.

The moon waits for the sun, night after night, watching as it fades away into the distance. It waits patiently in the sky, hoping to catch a glimpse of the morning's first light.

The moon was patient, and she knew that her lover would return to her each day. She basked in the sun's warm glow and felt her love for her grow stronger every day. And the sun too, could not stay away from her beloved moon for too long.

The love between the moon and the sun only grew stronger. And even today, they continue to grace the sky, offering their light and love to all those who gaze upon them. For they are not just objects in the sky, but two lovers, bound together in an eternal dance of light and love."


As Engfa and I lay in bed, listening to the story of the moon and the sun, I couldn't help but feel a sense of longing. It was like the story was speaking directly to me, as if it was a reminder of something I already knew deep down inside but had never quite been able to put into words.

Engfa and I are still just kids, but I already know that she's my best friend in the whole world. We had grown up together, from wearing diapers to starting school together. and I couldn't imagine my life without her in it.

As I lay there, I couldn't help but wonder if that was what love was supposed to feel like. The idea of being separated from Engfa, even for a moment, filled me with a sense of sadness that was hard to shake.

"Isn't that just so romantic?" I said, my voice full of wonder.

Engfa chuckled. "Yeah, I guess it is. But it's also kind of sad, you know? They're so in love, but they can never really be together."

I frowned at her words, not liking the idea of being separated from Engfa. "But they still love each other, even if they can't be together all the time," I said, trying to reassure both myself and Engfa. "The moon waits patiently all the time." I added.

Engfa smiled at me, her eyes softening. "You're right, they do. And we'll always love each other too, even if we can't be together every second of every day."

"I love you, Engfa," I said, the words tumbling out before I could stop them.

Engfa's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly recovered and smiled a toothy grin at me. "I love you too, Charlotte," she said, and we both settled back into our pillows, listening to the comforting sound of each other's breathing, until we fell asleep.


13 years later...

I watched Engfa's smiling face as she walked up to me, her arms full of scripts and notebooks. As always, she was brimming with enthusiasm, ready to take on the world.

What Does Love Feel Like? | ENGLOT one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now