April Fool's

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Synopsis: C and E are dating but no one believes them.


"P'fa and I are dating."

Marima's brow arches. "Yeah and the sky is purple."

"We are!" Charlotte repeats, throwing her hands up in exasperation.

"You think you're gonna get me. Haha! April fool's day!" Marima dryly laughs, comfortingly patting her shoulder before she walks away, "Try harder next time, Char."

Dejectedly watching her go, Charlotte sighs.

"But...I wasn't joking though," she pouts.


"Ugh, I can't believe they still don't get it," Charlotte grumbled, scrolling through her phone.

Her girlfriend, Engfa, was sprawled across the couch, flipping through a magazine. "Don't worry about Marima and Heidi. They're just being obtuse."

"Obtuse or willfully blind?" Charlotte countered, showing Engfa a text. "Heidi just asked if I wanted to set her up with 'my roommate,' meaning you."

Engfa snorted. "She's hopeless. We've been living together for two years!"

Charlotte and Engfa had been dating since college, but their friends, Marima and Heidi, remained stubbornly unconvinced. Every attempt to prove their relationship - shared weekends away, couple's discounts at the movies, even the overflowing basket of mismatched socks in the laundry room - seemed to go unnoticed.

It's been ingrained in their minds that the two are simply "buddies", to Charlotte's defense, it's not their fault they started as friends with benefits though.

"Maybe we should just give up," Charlotte sighed dramatically.

"Never!" Engfa declared, tossing the magazine aside. "Operation: Show-and-Tell is a go."


The plan was simple: a double date. Charlotte and Engfa would invite Marima and Heidi, and subtly (or not so subtly) showcase their coupledom throughout the evening. They decided on a new Italian restaurant known for its romantic ambiance and ridiculously expensive pasta.


The night started well. Heidi, ever the charmer, arrived with a bouquet of lilies for Engfa, earning her a pointed glare from Charlotte. Marima, oblivious, complimented Engfa's dress, which just happened to perfectly match Charlotte's earrings.

The awkwardness began during the appetizer order. When the waiter asked, "One order of calamari, or are you splitting it?" Engfa and Charlotte chimed in unison, "We'll share." Heidi and Marima exchanged confused glances.

Throughout the dinner, Charlotte and Engfa couldn't help but fall back into their usual routines. Engfa would steal bites of Charlotte's pasta, earning a playful swat on the hand. Charlotte would reach across the table to brush a stray hair from Engfa's eye. Heidi and Marima seemed more interested in dissecting the exorbitant price of the bottled water.

Finally, dessert arrived. Charlotte, in a fit of inspiration, leaned over and whispered in Engfa's ear, "Remember that time we made that disastrous chocolate cake in this very booth?"

Engfa's eyes widened. "Oh my god, the one that exploded all over the birthday girl?"

They both burst into laughter, a shared memory that clearly excluded Heidi and Marima. The confused girls looked between them, mouths agape.


Convincing their friends is turning out to be much harder than Charlotte predicted. Even amping up their PDA was fruitless!

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