Lost in Ikea

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Synopsis: My little sister got lost somewhere here, can you help me find her?

Ellie's POV:

I was wandering around the furniture maze that is IKEA for today as I had nothing else to do, As I was reaching for a white fluffy throw pillow, I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Excuse me, do you work here?"

Turning around, I saw a gorgeous girl with long, black hair and a dazzling smile. Her big hazel eyes looking up at me with such intensity that my brain short-circuited for a moment. It took me a moment to register what she was asking me, but before I knew it, I heard myself nodding and replying, "Uh, yeah, I do."

"Oh, thank god!" the girl exclaimed. "My sister got lost somewhere in the store and I've been wandering around aimlessly trying to find her. Can you help me?"

I was flabbergasted. Me, help someone find their sister in IKEA? How did I end up in this situation? I had never worked at Ikea in my life. I had just come to this giant store to get some ideas for how to decorate my dorm room next semester.

I took a quick look at myself. I was wearing my favorite blue hoodie and black leggings, and I certainly didn't look anything like one of the employees. But I was starstruck by the girl's beauty, and I couldn't seem to find the words to tell her that I wasn't actually an IKEA employee.

As I looked up at her again about to tell her I don't work here, My mind went blank, and I blurted out a lie, "Of course!" I said, trying to sound professional as I led her down the aisle. "What does your sister look like?"

"She's about this tall,  brunette with blue streaks and brown eyes," the girl replied, flashing me a grateful smile. "Thank you so much for helping me. I'm Carter, by the way."

"I'm Ellie," I said, feeling a rush of excitement at the thought of spending more time with this gorgeous girl.

Carter, looked like a model straight out of a magazine. She had long, straight black hair that cascaded down her back in loose waves, and her skin was smooth and perfectly fair. She seems to be my age and I couldn't help but feel starstruck by her presence. She was so beautiful and confident, and here I was pretending to be an IKEA employee just to spend some time with her.

The two of us walked down the aisles, looking for her sister as if I worked there. We walked down the aisles, with me pretending to look knowledgeable about the store layout and the different products. I pointed out different directions and suggested possible locations where her sister might be.

The whole time, I was acutely aware of Carter's presence next to me, and I couldn't help but steal occasional glances at her.

After a few minutes of futile searching, I finally had to admit the truth. My face turned red with embarrassment as I realized how ridiculous the situation was. Without a second's hesitation, I turned towards Carter.

"Listen, I'm so sorry, but I don't actually work here," I said, my face turning bright red with embarrassment. "I just didn't want to say no to you."

She looked at me incredulously for a moment, but then burst out laughing.

"Oh my god, you're kidding me," she said. "I had no idea! I thought you were just a really friendly employee."

I couldn't help but smile in relief. At least she wasn't angry with me.

Carter kept on giggling, and I too could not help but laugh with her.

"Well, can you still help me find my sister?" Carter asked, still giggling.

I smiled, "yeah of course."

And just like that, our adventure continued, with me fumbling my way through the maze of IKEA, trying my best to impress this beautiful girl who had unwittingly captured my interest.


"Niahm!" Carter yelled. "Niahm, where are you?"

But there was no response. I was starting to worry that we might be here all day, when suddenly Carter turned to me with a grin. Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, we finally spotted her sister.

"There she is!" she exclaimed, pointing to a little girl who had been hiding behind a lampshade the whole time.

Relieved, we walked over to her and Carter scooped Niahm up in her arms. "Thank you so much for your help Ellie." she said, turning back to me.

I felt a rush of disappointment that our adventure was over so soon. But then Carter surprised me again.

"You know," she said, "I feel like we make a pretty good team. Would you like to grab a coffee or something?"

I couldn't believe my ears. Had Carter just asked me out? My heart racing, I nodded eagerly. "Yeah, let's do it."

And as we walked out of the store together, I couldn't help but smile. Maybe mistaking me for an IKEA employee wasn't so bad after all.


(A/N:) you guys can drop your requests here! I'll do my best to write 'em, It'll be fun!

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