(R) Toxic Embrace

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Synopsis: Rated R. Toxic Relationship until it isn't. They do it in an alleyway.


"Just because you fucked me once doesn't mean I'm yours!" Charlotte yells out in anger.

Engfa came closer to her until she hits the wall behind her and whispers, "And if I want to fuck you again, am I allowed?"

Charlotte's heart was racing as she glared at Engfa, her fists clenched at her sides. She couldn't believe she had let herself get involved with the campus' fuckgirl, even for just one night. But there was something about her that drew her in, something that made her forget all the reasons she had sworn off relationships.

"Piss off Engfa." Charlotte growled,attempting to push Engfa off her.

Engfa's eyes narrowed as she stepped closer, her breath hot against her ear. "You know you want me, Charlotte. Don't play games with me."

Charlotte's anger flared again. "I'm not playing games, Engfa. It was one night, it's over. Leave me alone."

Engfa's hand reached out to cup her cheek, and Charlotte recoiled. "Don't touch me."

Engfa's eyes darkened. "I can't stay away from you, Charlotte. You're addictive."

Charlotte's breath caught in her throat as Engfa leaned in, her lips brushing hers. She pushed her away, her voice shaking. "No, Engfa. I can't do this with you."

"Why not?" Engfa asks, her lips touching the shell of Charlotte's ear, making her surpress a moan.

"I-I.." Charlotte stutters, "I have a boyfriend." She lies.

Engfa freezes, face hidden behind Charlotte's hair. She pulls back, eyes darkening and with a smirk, she clutches Charlotte's nape and pulls her in. "And? Does he want to join? 'Cause baby, tell him I don't share." She whispers in her ear.

"You're crazy!" Charlotte said with gritted teeth, but she squeezes her thighs tightly. She should be angry and disgusted, but her core pulses with need. Engfa smirks but stays silent, her other hand roaming down Charlotte's body.

"Stop it! Stop looking at me like that!" Charlotte said with annoyance. She clenches her jaw against the different reactions her body is experiencing. She knows it's wrong, but she can't help it.

"Like what?" Engfa husks, eyes flitting back up to Charlotte's.

"Like I'm some kind of dessert." Charlotte mutters, looking away. She doesn't realize that she's stopped resisting and instead is leaning into Engfa's Embrace. Something that Engfa is acutely aware of. She's got her right where she wants her.

"Maybe I'm hungry." Came the reply.

Charlotte's breath hitches. She stares at Engfa, her heart beating fast, her clit throbbing and she sighs out, "Fuck Engfa."

Engfa chuckles, her hand slides to Charlotte's hair and grips it, pulling her head up. "Can I fuck you now?"

"Please." Charlotte whimpers, knees almost buckling. If she's not trapped between Engfa and the wall, she'll surely be on the floor.

The first touch of Engfa's lips is soft, warm, and light like she's teasing Charlotte but cherishing her at the same time.

Charlotte moans without caring who hears, parting her mouth, she pushes her lips further against Engfa's, Wrapping her arms around her neck.

Engfa groans deep in her throat, tightening her grip on Charlotte's nape and slides her tongue along charlotte's bottom lip. Fingers leave Charlotte's hair, sliding slowly down her body, stopping at her hip bone and gliding across the sensitive skin, oushing her shirt up out of the way.

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