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SYNOPSIS: Ender has Star Tears. Cailynn has Hanahaki Disease.

Hanahaki Disease - fictional disease where someone begins coughing up flower petals because they have unrequited feelings for someone.

Star Tears - a disease similar to hanahaki disease but instead of coughing flowers the victim cries out stars.


Ender squints. It's getting harder to see.

Damn it.

She can barely read the blackboard.

The only indication of what she's supposed to be looking at is (Nudee) Nova's tired grumbling, reciting the textbook out to those who aren't paying attention.

Ender honestly isn't paying too much attention either. Her eyes keep involuntarily going to the blank slate wall to her left.

She feels a tap on her shoulder and a whisper in her ear.

"Pay attention to the class," Cailynn mumbles quietly.

Ender looks at the front reluctantly, frowning. She has to deny that the small action made her heart skip a beat.

She has to.

Although, it's a little late to hide her feelings.

After all, just three weeks ago she realized she had contracted the Star Tear disease.

Since then, every time she cries it gets a little harder to see. As is the nature of the disease.

Only a few other people know about it including some school faculty, but Ender refuses to confess who caused her heartache.

Yet, she's pretty sure that her friends, Nova and (Tina) Thalia have figured it out by now. Those idiots are more perceptive than she much cares for.

Ender can feel Heidi's eyes, giving her a 'look.' She just scowls and averts her gaze.

When the bell rings, Heidi walks over to her desk and grabs her wrist. "We need to talk."

Ender just sighs and grabs her bag. "Fine. Usual spot?"

"I've already told your sister to meet us."

"Of course you did." Ender grumbles, She rolls her eyes and follows as Heidi pulls her away.

Heidi brings her to the old tree out the back of the school. The one with a hollow trunk.

"Okay, what's this about?" Ender asks, arms crossed.

Heidi and Dani (P'Dadd)  exchange worried glances.

"I saw you struggling to read the board. The disease is getting worse, isn't it?" Heidi whispers.

Ender crosses her arms. "That's none of your business."

"So it is?" Heidi pesters.


"We're your family, End. And we're worried about you. You could go blind if you don't resolve this." Dani tells her younger sister.

"Shut up, it's fine." Ender grumbles, waving them off.

Dani scoffs. "Coming from the girl who can't read three sentences two feet away from her face."

"Do you have a death wish?" Heidi asks, brows furrowed.

"I dunno, do I?" Ender gives her a little glare, triggering an exasperated sigh from Heidi.

"No fighting, kids. This is about Ender's life." Dani says.

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