Echoes of You (1)

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Synopsis: Cassandra Aldridge is a librarian in a small town who feels bored and unfulfilled in her love life. But all of that changes when Elara Delgrai walks into the library for the first time.

Elara is a mysterious and enchanting patron who spends hours every day in the library. Cassandra is intrigued by her, feeling an instant connection to her. Soon, Cassandra finds herself contemplating things she has never thought of before and questioning her thoughts on love.

As the two of them share their passion for literature and history, Cassandra begins to understand that Elara is different. She finds that Elara is not your typical patron, and there's more to her than meets the eye. But Cassandra is captivated by her presence and story - and she can't resist her.

Cassandra and Elara's bond grows stronger, and they realize that they are meant to be together. However, the revelation that follow will make them question everything they thought they knew about each other.

(A/N:) If you remember, this was a separate published story before, and I was planning to delete it but I decided it's better off to be transferred here so it's not wasted.


Cassandra's POV:

I wake up every morning to the sound of my alarm clock, dragging myself out of bed and beginning my daily routine. It's the same thing every day, and it feels like I'm living in a loop; a never-ending cycle of monotony. As I walk to work, I can't help but feel like I'm not living up to my full potential. There's a nagging feeling inside of me that tells me I'm capable of so much more.

I had always been content with my life as a librarian in this small town. It was a routine that offered few surprises, but it was comfortable and familiar. But lately, I had been feeling restless, as if there was something I was missing.

I spend my days cataloging books, helping people find what they're looking for, and managing overdue fines. It's not exactly the type of work that leaves me feeling fulfilled at the end of the day. I find myself staring out the window, daydreaming about all the things I wish I could be doing instead.

I want to experience adventure and excitement, to see the world beyond these four walls and the town's limits. But somehow, I feel trapped, like something's holding me back.

As I settled behind the front desk, I glanced at the clock and noticed that I had a few minutes before the doors opened for the day. I used the time to straighten up the book displays, making sure everything was neatly stacked and organized.

A couple of minute later, I opened the library doors and sat back down behind the front desk. I look up as I hear the familiar creak of the doors opening. It's still early, but the usual patrons are already trickling in. Mrs. Williams, the sweet old lady who always asks for recommendations, is the first to arrive.

"Good morning, Mrs. Williams," I greeted her with a smile.

"Good morning, Cassandra dear," she replied with a kind smile of her own. "Have you got any new fiction books in?"

I directed her to the recent arrivals, where she took her time perusing the titles.

Next is Mr. Thompson, the retiree who enjoys reading the classics.  Before making his way to the aisle with the leather-bound books, He approached me, smiling warmly. "Good morning, Cassandra. How have you been?"

"I'm doing well, Mr. Thompson. How about you?" I asked as I got him the copy of a particular leather-bound book he had requested.

"I'm good, thank you for this. Well then, I will check out some other books." He said, giving me a smile before going over his favorite aisle. I can hear him humming an old tune as he browses.

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