Wondering Why

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Song fic with Wondering Why by the Red clay strays


She comes from silver spoon, golden rule, private school
Never missed Sunday church
And I come from blue collar, low dollar
Out here where concrete meets old red dirt

Engfa knelt in the red dirt of the Georgia farmyard, calloused fingers pulling stray weeds from the base of a sunflower. Sweat beaded on her forehead, the humid air thick with the scent of honeysuckle and freshly cut hay. A shadow fell across the patch, and Engfa looked up to see Charlotte leaning against the weathered fence post, a sly smile playing on her lips.

Charlotte, unlike Engfa, was all city polish. Her hair, usually styled in a perfect bob, was escaping its confines with the day's heat. Her tailored jeans looked out of place against the backdrop of the rusty tractor and the rickety barn. Yet, there she was, a vision in a world of red dust and worn denim.

"You gonna let those weeds win, P'fa?" Charlotte teased, her voice a melody against the chorus of crickets.

Engfa chuckled, wiping her brow with the back of her hand. "Almost had 'em."

Charlotte pushed herself from the fence and walked towards Engfa, stopping a comfortable distance away. They hadn't been seeing each other for long, stolen moments between Engfa's farm chores and Charlotte's bustling city life. But the connection was undeniable, a spark that ignited whenever they were together.

"You ever wonder why, P'fa?" Charlotte asked softly, her eyes mirroring the azure summer sky.

Engfa's heart skipped a beat. Was this it? The question that had been swirling in her own mind for weeks? "Why what?"

Charlotte tilted her head, her gaze tracing the lines on Engfa's sun-kissed face.  "Why me? Why you?"

Engfa rose, brushing the dirt off her overalls. "I mean, yeah. You're, well, you're you. City lights and fancy coffee. And I'm..." She gestured at the sprawling fields, at the chickens pecking in the distance.

"You're Engfa," Charlotte interrupted, her voice firm. "Strong, kind, and with a heart bigger than this whole damn farm."

A blush crept up Engfa's neck. "And you..."

"And I'm a mess," Charlotte finished for her, a self-deprecating laugh escaping her lips. "But when I'm with you, out here in this crazy beautiful world you've built, I feel..."

Charlotte reached out, her hand hovering over Engfa's. The touch sent a jolt through Engfa, a current erasing the miles and differences between them.

"I feel alive," Charlotte whispered, her eyes searching Engfa's.

Engfa captured Charlotte's hand in hers, the warmth a tangible expression of the unspoken. Maybe it didn't make sense on paper, this unlikely pairing. Maybe the world wouldn't understand. But in that moment, under the vast Georgia sky, with the scent of honeysuckle heavy in the air, all that mattered was the feeling. The feeling of being loved, truly loved, for exactly who she was.

She keeps on loving me
Loves me the way I am
She's not just along for the ride
She's my biggest fan
And it's a little old piece of heaven
When we lay down at night
She keeps on loving me
And I keep on wondering why
She keeps on loving me
And I keep on wondering why

One starlit night, as they sat on the porch swing, a comfortable silence settled between them. Engfa stole a glance at Charlotte, her heart pounding a frantic rhythm. "Why do you like spending time here, Charlotte? In this dusty little town?"

Charlotte met her gaze, a soft smile playing on her lips. "It's not the town, P'fa. It's you. You make this place feel like home."

The words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken affection. Engfa reached out, her fingers brushing against Charlotte's cheek. A spark ignited, sending shivers down Engfa's spine. Charlotte leaned in, their lips meeting in a hesitant kiss that quickly deepened.

Their relationship blossomed amidst the whispers and raised eyebrows of the small town. Engfa, used to working with her hands, felt out of place in the world of champagne flutes and social gatherings that Charlotte frequented.

"I don't know what happened," Engfa confessed one night, mirroring the lyrics of their song, "but it sure don't add up on paper."

Charlotte cupped Engfa's face, her touch tender. "Maybe love doesn't need to make sense, P'fa. Maybe it just needs to feel right."

And it did feel right. In the quiet moments under the starlit sky, in the comfortable silences after a hard day's work, Engfa found her answer. Charlotte loved her, not despite her calloused hands and dusty overalls, but because of them. Because they were a part of who Engfa was, the woman Charlotte had fallen for.

Theirs wasn't a conventional love story, but it was theirs. A love story whispered on the wind, as strong and enduring as the red clay beneath their feet. And every now and then, when doubt crept in, they'd hold each other close, a silent promise echoing in the space between them: "As long as you let me, I'll take you wherever you want me to go."


(A/N:) this song gets me everytime I hear it, I just love it so much! So here's a sappy fic of E and C!

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