Chapter 4: New beginning

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As I embarked on this unconventional journey of self-improvement, the path Anu had carved out for me seemed strange, yet undeniably effective. My determination to overcome addiction fueled my commitment to the process.

Anu's fitness regimen was unlike anything I had experienced. It focused heavily on cardio, squats, lunges, and lighter dumbbell work that seemed to defy conventional muscle-building practices. Initially perplexed, I trusted Anu's expertise, knowing she had been handpicked by Geeta for a reason.

Beyond the fitness routine, Anu took an active interest in molding every facet of my daily life. She dictated my grooming habits, requiring me to shave every two days and remove all my body hair weekly. Her demands were specific and, at times, overwhelming, but I dared not question her methods, fearing that my resistance might disappoint Geeta.

Anu's influence extended beyond exercise and grooming. She encouraged me to embrace new hobbies, ones that I hadn't chosen myself. Cooking, gardening, prayer, and communing with nature became integral parts of my daily routine. While I didn't fully understand the purpose of these activities at first, I couldn't deny the positive changes they brought to my life.

Cooking, in particular, became a newfound passion. I took pleasure in preparing three-course meals, not just for myself but for Anu and Geeta as well. Geeta's busy schedule had made her absence from home a regular occurrence, and cooking became my way of contributing to our household, a gesture of love and gratitude.

Slowly but surely, I began to see the wisdom in Anu's methods. My physical and mental well-being improved, and I felt a profound sense of purpose in my life. It was as though Anu had unearthed facets of myself I hadn't known existed.

Through this intricate dance of transformation, I found solace in the thought that Geeta's intentions, however enigmatic, were guided by love. I was on a path to self-discovery, and each step, no matter how unusual, was bringing me closer to a version of myself I could be proud of.

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