Chapter 7: Act 1

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As the day of the shoot drew near, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Geeta's big-budget movie, with a whopping budget of 60 crores, filled me with a sense of pride for her. Yet, there lingered a twinge of doubt in my mind, wondering if she had given me this role in the movie as a way to prove my earlier insult wrong. My journey from the depths of despair to this grand production felt like a story within a story.

I was flown in ahead of time to the movie set, where a nearby hotel became my temporary residence for a month. Throughout this period, Anu continued to shadow me, ensuring that I adhered to my rigorous routine. She even insisted that I cook during my free time, adding another layer to my transformation.

The shoot progressed smoothly, and I found myself delving deeper into the character I was portraying—a young lad who had once been an academic genius but had fallen victim to relentless bullying. The character's journey from confidence to despair, and ultimately to a rescue by a group of girls who stood up against the bullies, struck a chord. It felt like one of Geeta's powerful social messages, advocating for the need to confront and combat bullying.

Yet, as we shot scene after scene, I remained blissfully unaware of the overarching plot. Each day brought new challenges and revelations, and with every frame, I felt myself growing more deeply connected to the character I was portraying. This was more than just a role; it was a chance at redemption and an opportunity to be part of a story that carried a meaningful message, a chance to stand up against the adversities of life, just as I had been given the chance to stand up against my own demons.

As the final week of shooting approached, Geeta's passion for the project seemed to intensify. She made a promise to me, one that took me by surprise but filled my heart with hope. She told me that if any upcoming scenes in the movie violated the character or made him mad, I should remain calm and complete the shoot professionally. In return, she pledged to consider granting us three days of holiday in the Maldives, away from Anu, where we could spend quality time together. It was an unexpected and somewhat puzzling condition, but I was more than willing to agree, for I longed to be closer to Geeta and away from the constant presence of my trainer.

As the shoot commenced, I finally received the script for the remaining scenes. The story unfolded in a way that left me both baffled and deeply moved. My character, Zyan, who had been rescued by a group of girls from bullies, now faced a series of trials. These bullies continued to torment him in various ways, stealing his belongings, vandalizing his dorm room with inappropriate drawings, and leaving him homeless for two days.

It was during this trying period that Nami, Zyan's crush and one of the girls who had saved him from the bullies, discovered him sitting alone on a park bench late at night. Her compassion prompted her to approach him, and she gently inquired about his situation. Zyan, overwhelmed by the circumstances, broke down and confided in her, sharing the full extent of his ordeal.

The parallels between this storyline and my own dark past hit me like a tidal wave. I couldn't help but recall a time when I had been part of a group that had cornered and bullied a man, forcing him into drug use and abandoning him on a park bench, drugged and vulnerable.

As the story unfolded, I knew that a particularly infuriating scene was looming on the horizon, one that mirrored my past actions all too closely. I felt the weight of my own history pressing down on me, but I also understood that I had made a promise to Geeta. I had to play my part, to embrace this complex character and tell the story that had been entrusted to me. The future of our relationship and my journey toward redemption hinged on my ability to navigate these emotionally charged scenes with the professionalism Geeta had asked of me.

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