Chapter 21: The Bride

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As per Geeta's request, Anu took Arya into her room and began the transformation to make her look like a bride on her wedding day. The process was elaborate and detailed, starting with cleansing Arya's skin and using the most fragrant and luxurious scents to add a touch of elegance to her presence.

Next came the bridal dress, a magnificent and ornate Indian bridal outfit that was a true work of art. The dress was a rich, deep crimson red with intricate gold embroidery and sequins. The fabric flowed gracefully and had a slight sheen that made Arya look like royalty. The dress was adorned with exquisite patterns, floral motifs, and traditional designs, and it shimmered with every move.

Anu then worked on Arya's makeup, enhancing her natural beauty to make her look even more regal. Her eyes were accentuated with kohl and dark eyeliner, creating a mesmerizing look. Arya's lips were painted a deep shade of red, adding an air of sophistication to her appearance. Her complexion was flawless, radiating a bridal glow that was truly enchanting.

The jewelry that adorned Arya was nothing short of spectacular. Elaborate necklaces, heavy gold bangles, and intricate maang tikka adorned her, emphasizing her newfound femininity. However, there was one significant detail missing: Arya wore only one pair of grand earrings in her ears. This omission left a sense of incompleteness for Anu, a feeling that something was still missing in Arya's transformation into a bride.

Anu had a keen eye for detail, and she sensed that something was missing from Arya's bridal transformation. She promptly called Geeta into their room and expressed her concern.

Anu: "Just one big earring doesn't suit the grand silk attire that Arya is wearing."

Geeta understood the issue and agreed: "You are right, Anu. I think we can have another piercing in the earlobe for now, and then he should wear a large nose stud matching the grandeur of the bride. After all these efforts to make Arya look like a goddess, this small nose stud won't suit her, to be honest."

With this decision made, they were now focused on ensuring that every aspect of Arya's bridal look was flawless, from the intricate dress and elaborate makeup to the dazzling jewelry that adorned her.

Arya stood there with reluctance, realizing that she had no say in this matter. Geeta was determined to complete Arya's bridal transformation with the additional piercings and jewelry.

Geeta confirmed the decision: "That's right. Let's do another piercing in the upper lobe, and I will get my diamond nose stud for Arya in a minute."

Within the next few minutes, Anu carefully performed the second ear-piercing in Arya's earlobe. The small ear-stud that Arya had worn before was now in the second piercing. Geeta handed Arya her eight-stone diamond nose stud, which Arya had gifted her a long time ago. It was a moment of irony as Arya now wore the same nose stud she had once given to Geeta.

Arya, while admiring her reflection in the mirror, felt a mixture of emotions. She was pleased with her stunning new look, but at the same time, she couldn't shake off her concerns about how others would react to these modifications in her face and body.

As the guests arrived, Geeta instructed Arya to prepare tea and snacks in the kitchen and bring them out on a tray like a newly married wife eager to please her in-laws. Arya followed her instructions, and as she entered the room with the tray, the guests were taken aback, their eyes filled with surprise and awe at the sight before them.

Arya couldn't help but notice one of the guests staring at her breasts, which had grown significantly due to the effects of the estrogen medication. She felt violated but knew she had to maintain an innocent facade and act as if nothing had happened. Standing beside Geeta like a dutiful wife, she wasn't even offered a seat. The guests engaged in discussions about business and the upcoming promotional tour, with a key detail being that Arya would have to tour every place as herself, Arya. This realization sent a shiver down her spine.

They also discussed potential future projects that might include her, but nobody seemed to acknowledge her presence. She felt insignificant, like a mere decoration, and it left her with a sense of annoyance and the feeling of being a typical housewife with little significance.

As an hour passed by, I stood there in my heavy dress and jewelry, feeling the weight of the elaborate attire making me weary. The guests began to leave the house, and I, like a dutiful wife, bid them farewell with a smile, but their acknowledgment of my presence remained minimal. With the house now empty, I shot a desperate look at Geeta, more a plea than a command, hoping to escape the upcoming publicity tour dressed as Arya. However, Geeta responded with a stern look, and I instantly felt defeated, realizing that there was no way out of this.

The tour plan was laid out with numerous news interview channels, solo interviews for me, appearances on reality shows, comedy shows for fun interviews, and various social media engagements with fans. The last two weeks of the promotion schedule were left flexible to accommodate any new show invitations that might arise. As I stared at the packed schedule, still dressed in my heavy bridal outfit, it all felt overwhelmingly daunting.

As I stood in front of the mirror, I couldn't help but admire the elaborate bridal outfit I was dressed in. The reflection looking back at me made me feel incredibly beautiful, like the embodiment of femininity itself. A genuine smile graced my face, adding to my sense of beauty, and even my long-dormant masculine side showed signs of life after almost a year.

My fingers traced over my face, and I felt grateful for the piercings that had enhanced my appearance. As I continued to explore my body with my touch, genuine shivers ran down my spine. I couldn't deny the undeniable sexiness I now possessed, far more than I had ever imagined. My gaze lingered on my chest, where the blouse accentuated my curves, creating a sultry cleavage that seemed to overflow. I understood why the producers couldn't take their eyes off me, and I found it in me to forgive their lingering stares.

However, I knew I needed to tear myself away from this newfound allure before it became a problem, tempting as it was to indulge in my own beauty.

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