Chapter 25: The Realization and Acceptance

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The morning after the premiere, I woke up in a haze, trying to process the overwhelming reality of what had transpired the day before. My emotions were a whirlwind of joy and disbelief, and I wanted to scream with happiness and shed tears of gratitude all at once. After taking a moment to gather myself, I turned to social media to gauge the initial reactions to the film's public release.

To my surprise, my social media feed was flooded with heartfelt appreciation from industry peers and fans alike. Videos of Mr. Amitav's touching speech were circulating widely, generating even more interest and curiosity. Some photos of me had gone viral, including one where I wore vermilion powder and a mangalsutra, sparking speculation and scrutiny. But what truly captivated people were the clips and snippets from the months of buildup to the premiere.

Eager to see how the film was faring at the box office, I checked with the booking services, only to discover that most of my shows were nearly booked out for the next two weeks across various theaters. It was an incredible feeling, like I was on cloud nine, but it wouldn't last for long.

Geeta entered my room, her eyes understanding everything I was feeling, and I realized there was no need for explanations. We discussed the initial reactions to the film, but then she dropped a harsh reality bomb on me. "Arya, you are set free. Your contract term ends, and you have the freedom to decide who you want to be. Thanks for your cooperation, and I need your answer soon. You've successfully saved our marriage and your career. No need to thank me; I owe you more than you owe me."

As she turned to leave, she caught a glimpse of the mangalsutra I was wearing. I was left speechless, clutching the symbolic necklace. What do I do now? What did I truly feel? I didn't have the answers yet, but I knew I had to make a decision – one that would shape the next chapter of my life.

For the next four days, I settled back into the routine Anu had designed for me as a housewife, and I found contentment in my domestic duties. Every day, Geeta would ask me the same question about my decision, but I remained silent each time, unable to find a definitive answer.

On the fifth day, she repeated her question, and my continued silence provoked a slap across my face. Tears welled up in both our eyes. Geeta implored me, "What's so difficult about making a decision? Make up your mind already."

In that emotionally charged moment, my pent-up feelings burst forth, and the words that followed were beyond my control. "Listen, Geeta, as Arya, I've discovered a sense of purpose and comfort. I can express myself fully, feel loved, and I've become more compassionate. Being Arya is like finding my comfort zone. You've shown me my true self, and now you've put me at this crossroads, asking me to make a difficult choice: stay as myself, be treated as your friend, or revert back to my sad and depressed former self and love you as the man you deserve. You're being selfish, Geeta, and I hate being the one to make this decision."

In that moment, Geeta rushed to embrace me, wiping away my tears as she held my head against her shoulder. "Hey, you foolish wife," she said softly, "you've already made your decision, and you're overthinking it too much. You love being Arya, and I won't take that away from you. You have the freedom to be yourself, always. You've created a problem out of a situation that never existed."

She continued, "And the idea that I'll only love you if you're a man is completely wrong. I love you just as you are. I love you even more when you're Arya because you're happier and more joyful than the gloomy and depressed Aryan who had lost his zest for life. I'll always love you, no matter what."

Her words brought a smile to my face, and a happy tear trickled down my cheek. I realized how silly it had been to view the situation the way I had, and we both shared a smile over this revelation. We settled onto the sofa, cuddling tenderly and content in each other's embrace.

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