Chapter 10: Second (Ph)ace

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Upon reaching home and opening my door, a sudden wave of dizziness washed over me, causing my vision to blur. The pain in my head intensified, and before I could react, I crumpled to the floor, unconscious.

When I eventually came to, I found myself bound to a chair in an unfamiliar room. Despite the strangeness of the surroundings, I recognized it as my own room, albeit transformed in an eerie fashion. The familiar shades of orange had been replaced by an unsettling array of pinks.

As I took in the peculiar environment, I couldn't help but notice my own attire. I was dressed in a pink saree and a maroon blouse, a stark contrast to my usual attire. My face bore heavy makeup, and my hair had been meticulously styled. The reflection in the mirror revealed a version of myself that was unrecognizable—a beautiful woman in place of the person I had always known.

My heart raced with anxiety and confusion, and I couldn't fathom how I had ended up in this bizarre situation. It was at that moment that Anu, with a stern and unsettling demeanor, appeared behind me. She presented a mirror that forced me to confront my transformed appearance, leaving me with a deep sense of unease and an overwhelming desire to uncover the motivations behind this strange turn of events.

As Anu began to explain the reasons behind my transformed appearance and the strict new routine that would govern my life, a sense of fear and unease settled within me. She clarified that these changes were directly related to the movie and the upcoming scenes I would be filming. It was apparent that someone had orchestrated this elaborate transformation to ensure that I embodied my character perfectly.

I couldn't help but surmise that Geeta was the mastermind behind this endeavor. She knew that I wouldn't willingly participate in her schemes unless I was compelled to do so, much like the incident during the previous shoot. With the threat of divorce looming over my head, I felt I had no choice but to comply.

Anu outlined the stringent daily routine that I was now expected to follow. I was to address Geeta as "Mistress" and Anu as "Ma'am." My day would begin promptly at 6 a.m., completing household chores and preparing myself using the clothing laid out for me the night before. Makeup was to be applied before Geeta woke, followed by tending to household duties and serving her a cup of tea, along with a morning kiss on her hand to awaken her.

After that, I would prepare breakfast and assist Geeta with her needs before she left for work. Following her departure, I would change into my gym attire and join Anu for the prescribed exercises. Returning home, I would then prepare lunch, followed by sessions of classical dancing and other activities at Anu's request.

Once again, I would attend to household chores, clean up, reapply makeup, and prepare for Geeta's return. I would then have the responsibility of cooking dinner and providing Geeta with her nightly massage before retiring to bed. The new routine felt overwhelming, and I couldn't help but wonder how it would further shape my life and my relationship with Geeta, whose influence seemed to grow stronger with each passing day.

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