Chapter 12: Breaking Point

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As I resigned back to my bedroom, I found Geeta awake reading her Magazine as i remembered that I had to massage her until she fell asleep. As I sat next to her near the bed, she kept the magazine aside and laid down in a comfortable position so that I could massage her, as if signalling to me my situation. I began to message her feet and legs and her back for the next thirty minutes until she was finally asleep. Feeling tired and exhausted from that day's duties and with this new revelation and sense of duty on my shoulders, i felt heavy amd exhausted. I decided to sleep beside her going ahainst Anu's instruction to get the sleeping bag from the closet to sleep in, as I soundly fell asleep.

The next morning, I was startled awake by a piercing scream, followed by the painful sting of a strike from Anu's stick. As I struggled to comprehend the situation, I could see the fury burning in Anu's eyes. She yanked me out of bed, showing me the time on the clock—9:30 am. Panic surged through me as I realized that I had overslept, and Geeta had already left for work.

What came next left me with a profound sense of regret for not caring more. Anu produced a collar with a leash, and with cold determination, fastened it around my neck. Like a pet, I was led by the leash to the rooftop, still clad in the French maid outfit. There, Anu secured me to a pole, rendering me helpless as she tied my arms and legs behind me.

For the next agonizing five hours, I knelt there, exposed to the harsh sunlight that beat down relentlessly. The scorching heat left me dehydrated, and I struggled to endure the physical torment. Eventually, the intensity of the situation took its toll, and I succumbed to unconsciousness, my body battered and burned by the unforgiving sun.

The agony of waking up was met with an even more distressing sight. I found myself positioned upside down on Anu's lap, a position that emphasized my vulnerability. Just as I was about to apologize and timidly request a glass of water, Anu's actions took a sharp, punitive turn.

With a forceful motion, she lifted my frilly skirt and pulled down my panties, baring my already aching bottom. Then, with a merciless resolve, she began to spank me repeatedly, the sharp stings of pain serving as a cruel reminder of my previous mistakes. The relentless spanking continued until she reached a count of fifty, leaving my bottom redder than the ripest of apples.

I was utterly shattered, my dignity and self-respect stripped away, and my spirit broken beyond repair. It felt as if I were a puppet, forced to obey every instruction without question, lest my life descend further into this nightmarish ordeal.

Satisfied with my punishment, Anu instructed me to take a bath and then come to her, completely naked. I followed her orders, feeling a sense of resignation about what was to come. As I stood before her, she handed me a bra and panties, but this time there was an additional item: breast forms that I was to wear with the bra. These forms were size 36C, enhancing my appearance and giving me a sexier silhouette, instructing to me that they from now on should always be the part of me, wearing it all the time, except while shovering.

Next, she presented me with a white kurta, white leggings, and a red dupatta. Heavy anklets called ghungroos were added, creating a musical jingle with every step I took. It became clear that I was about to embark on a dance class, but before that, Anu kindly offered me a prepared lunch, which I devoured hungrily. However, my eating habits were quickly corrected, as Anu reminded me that it wasn't becoming of a lady to eat so voraciously. I complied, adjusting my behavior to meet her expectations.

Following our meal, Anu conducted a thorough tutorial on makeup, explaining the various products, their purpose, and how to apply them. Although I learned quickly, I was far from perfect, and Anu assisted me in achieving the desired look. After the makeup session, we delved into a Bharatnatyam class that lasted for two hours. This dance form was entirely new to me, and Anu patiently taught me the basics, focusing on grace and precision in my movements.

Having concluded the dance session, Anu appeared satisfied with my progress. My movements had become more graceful and ladylike compared to the previous day, which seemed to please her. Deciding that I had spent enough time in the sun, she shifted our focus to a calligraphy session, emphasizing precision and cleanliness in my penmanship.

After an hour of practicing calligraphy, it was time for me to change into another maid outfit from my closet. It appeared identical to the one I had worn the day before, but as I slipped into it, I couldn't help but feel the softness of the hose against my skin, the frilly skirt swaying as I moved. It was a strange sensation, one that hinted at a desire to embrace this transformation, but I quickly pushed those thoughts aside.

Once dressed, I resumed my household chores, just as I had done the previous day, diligently completing them before Geeta finished her meal and retired to her room.

After completing my evening chores, including eating the leftovers from Geeta's plate and doing the dishes, I retired to my room. There, I followed the routine of massaging Geeta until she fell asleep, a task I carried out dutifully, even though exhaustion weighed heavily on me.

This time, however, I managed to set up my sleeping bag next to my bed, determined not to oversleep. Setting an alarm for 5:30 am, I crawled into my makeshift bed. Despite the late hour – it was already midnight – the demands of the day had left me drained, and I soon drifted into a deep and much-needed sleep.

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