Chapter 20: Meetings and Encounters

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As Arya was back home, tending to her daily routine as an obedient housewife, the news of her role in the movie became a sensational headline. Critics had their say, some positive and others negative, but the publicity was undeniable. The buzz around Arya's comeback, the intriguing character, and the controversy were driving people's curiosity.

Geeta played a crucial role in keeping Arya informed, and she showed her the early signs of success. The positive response from some fans and the significant 120 crore in receipts from theaters had already doubled the investment made in the movie, which was initially 60 crores. The industry was buzzing with talk about Arya's comeback, and it was clear that the movie was generating immense interest, both from those eager to see Arya succeed and those waiting to see if her risky role would lead to her career's downfall.

While Geeta tried to console Arya, the fear of public opinion and critics still lingered in her heart, as she grappled with the anticipation and uncertainty of how her transformation and the controversial role would be received by the audience.

The next day, Geeta sat Arya down and explained that the movie was almost ready for its final stages of editing and post-production. It was now time to embark on the promotional tour, which was a crucial part of building anticipation and interest in the film. The producers and directors, in particular, were eager to meet Arya, not as Aryan but as herself, completely dressed and presenting as Arya.

Arya was caught in a state of panic and anxiety, as she had never faced such a situation before. Throughout the shoot, whenever they had met producers or directors, she had managed to dress as Aryan and maintain conversations in his persona. However, this time, they were requesting to meet Arya in her true form, something she had never been comfortable with outside the closed set.

Arya frantically denied the request, expressing her unease and anxiety about meeting them as Arya. Geeta, always the voice of reason, logically explained that the entire world would soon see Arya in her role as a woman in the movie, so there was no need to worry about this meeting. Moreover, these individuals were the funders of the film, and it was essential not to upset them.

Reluctantly, Arya had no choice but to agree, and the meeting was scheduled for the afternoon at their home. It was a moment of anticipation mixed with anxiety, as Arya prepared to face the producers and directors as herself, Arya, for the first time.

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