Chapter 16: Same Show, New Me

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Geeta's unwavering confidence in her ability to make the entire set accept me as Arya, despite my unmistakable physical transformation, offered a glimmer of hope. As I stepped onto the set dressed as a man, I made a concerted effort to exude manly mannerisms. However, the truth was undeniable - my efforts were faltering, and it was clear that the crew members were taking notice.

Overheard conversations cut deep. Some crew members commented that perhaps I had never truly been a man, insinuating that my prior work in different genres hid my authentic identity. Their words weighed heavily on me, causing a pang of sadness. Despite this, I couldn't help but acknowledge the crew's efforts to maintain professionalism and treat me as they had before, even though my appearance had drastically changed.

The shoot resumed seamlessly, picking up where we had left off with Zayn staying with Nami at night in the guise of Zoya and returning to his true self as Zayn in the morning. However, I couldn't help but notice that I was a bit rusty in portraying male mannerisms. It felt like I had become more accustomed to women's clothing and mannerisms, which now felt more natural to me than my former male self.

There were a few hiccups during the rehearsals, and Geeta didn't hold back in scolding me to get my act together. But oddly enough, despite the initial difficulties, I found myself growing increasingly comfortable in women's clothing while becoming more and more uncomfortable in men's attire. It was as though my transformation was extending beyond just my physical appearance, and I was evolving into the role of a woman more naturally than I could have ever anticipated.

In the next scene, Zayn continued with his routine, waking up early and rushing to the school changeroom to change into his boy's school uniform. However, this time, his secret wasn't safe. Another boy, who happened to be there for badminton practice, caught him in the act. The discovery quickly spread among the other students, leading to a new round of bullying, as they labeled him as queer and targeted him once again.

Zayn's disappearance had deeply concerned Nami, and she couldn't bear not knowing where her friend was. With the help of her friends, Nami organized a search party to find Zayn. Hours passed, and they couldn't locate him anywhere. Desperate and worried, Nami returned to the place where their friendship had started, near the park bench.

To her astonishment and relief, she found a boy in her old school uniform, sitting there with his knees pulled up to his chest, shivering and visibly distressed. In his hand, he clutched a knife, a sign of his vulnerability and fear. It was Zayn. Nami quickly approached him, gently taking the knife from his hand and discarding it. She woke Zayn up from his restless sleep, and the two friends embraced tightly, seeking comfort in each other's arms. They stayed in that comforting embrace for several minutes before Nami led Zayn back to his room, where they could talk and address the turmoil that had engulfed Zayn's life.

In that moment, Zayn let out his pent-up emotions, tears streaming down his face as he poured his heart out to Nami. He expressed how, in his male form, he had experienced nothing but hate and relentless bullying, but when he transformed into Zoya, everything changed. He found solace and a true friend in Nami, feeling loved and cared for in her company. He longed to stay as Zoya, to be true to himself and live authentically.

Amidst sobs, Zayn confessed that he had sought refuge in the park bench with the intention of ending his life as Zoya, the form in which he felt most like himself and the happiest. He had even donned the girl's uniform as a symbolic gesture. However, fear had paralyzed him, preventing him from carrying out his plan, and he had drifted into an uneasy slumber. Nami listened empathetically, her heart aching for her friend.

In response, Nami gently silenced Zayn, pulling him into a warm embrace. She whispered soothingly, "Be whoever you want to be, but above all, be true to yourself. Don't let anyone's judgment define you or your worth." Together, they sat there, sharing their pain and tears, offering each other the solace and support they both desperately needed.

The following day, Zayn, now transformed into Zoya, donned one of Nami's dresses. With a newfound sense of confidence and acceptance, Zoya accompanied Nami as she was introduced to Nami's circle of friends. They welcomed her with open arms, their warm smiles making her feel loved and wanted in a way she had never experienced before.

Zoya embraced her true self, openly expressing her femininity as she attended classes. Any disapproving glances from peers were swiftly silenced by Nami and her supportive friends. Even the teachers, initially skeptical, couldn't deny Zoya's exceptional talent in Astrophysics. They allowed her the freedom to be herself, recognizing her as a top prospect in her field.

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