Chapter 19: The Return

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The early signs of potential failure haunted Arya's mind as photos of her in female attire on the movie set began to leak onto social media and into the press. The internet trolls wasted no time in making fun of her, leaving harsh comments that cut deep. Some said, "Aryan's career has plummeted so far that his comeback movie after three years has him playing a woman, not himself." Others chimed in with, "We always knew Aryan wasn't a man, given his lack of manly roles," and, "Aryan has acted in so many rom-coms that he's become a softie and gave in to becoming a woman."

However, amid these critics, there were loyal fans who stood by Arya. They defended her, saying things like, "Give Aryan a chance; she's making a bold comeback with an exciting role," and, "Aryan looks amazing and surely has a plan; she never picks bad scripts." Some even commented, "Aryan has more courage than the entire industry combined, choosing a character for her comeback movie that even the greatest actors wouldn't dare to take on at their peak."

Despite the encouraging words from her fans, Arya couldn't shake the sense of fear that had settled in her heart. Geeta tried to console her, urging her to pay no heed to the critics, but the doubts and worries persisted.

The day I returned home and resumed my routine as the housewife, Geeta burst into our home, called me over, and played the news that had me headlining across the media. The critiques had offered mixed opinions, but the buzz around the film was undeniable. Both positive and negative comments were flooding social media, generating immense publicity. It seemed that people were eager to see the movie, whether to witness my genuine comeback or to see my career crumble.

Geeta then showed me receipts indicating that we had already earned 120 crores from theater bookings. The theaters were clamoring to screen our movie, and it had become the talk of the industry. This early success meant that we had not only recovered our initial production costs of 60 crores but had also doubled our investment.

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