Chapter 9: The first for her and last for him

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As the shoot came to a close, I hurriedly changed back into my regular attire but was unexpectedly caught off guard by Geeta. She surprised me with a kiss, expressing her heartfelt congratulations for my outstanding work on set. The unexpected display of affection left me feeling happy and affirmed, knowing that all my efforts had paid off in her eyes.

Following the completion of the shoot, I returned to the hotel, where Anu awaited my arrival. I began packing my bags in anticipation of the much-awaited trip to the Maldives.

The journey to the Maldives was an interesting mix of companionship and distance. While Geeta and I traveled together, the connection between us felt more like that of two friends exploring a foreign destination rather than the deep love we had once shared. It was a stark reminder of the work that lay ahead in mending our relationship, as we seemed to be drifting further apart.

Despite this emotional distance, there were moments of intimacy shared between us, like an affectionate kiss under the warm sun on the beach. However, it was fleeting, a mere glimpse of the love we once had. As our trip came to an end, I found myself back at the hotel, awaiting our flight home, my schedule resuming its usual rhythm, guided by Anu's watchful presence.

The trip to the Maldives had offered a brief respite from the challenges and complexities of the journey I had embarked upon. It was a reminder that while I had made progress, there was still a long road ahead to win back Geeta's heart and rebuild the love that had once defined us.

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