Chapter 15: Denial

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Over the course of three months, I found myself immersed in this new life, and something unexpected happened—I began to love it. I had fully embraced my role as a woman. My thoughts, mannerisms, and even my voice had all shifted to align with my new identity. I felt like a woman, and it was surprisingly liberating.

The changes in my figure were the most noticeable. My frame had shrunk, and I now had an hourglass figure like a model. My hips had widened, enhancing my overall appearance. Strangely, I even looked sexier than my wife Geeta. My hair had transformed, becoming soft, silky, and more voluminous. I had even dyed it with a touch of golden color at the ends, further enhancing my femininity.

However, there was one aspect of my transformation that worried me: my chest. It had grown considerably, giving me breasts that were now a size 34B. While it made me look cute and feminine like a model, it was a development that left me with mixed feelings. My nipples had grown too, and I felt sensations of pleasure when I touched them.

I suspected that the medication I was taking contained estrogen, which explained these physical changes. Unfortunately, there was little I could do about it, and this medication also seemed to make me more emotionally sensitive. I felt a bitterness about these changes and decided that I needed to discuss this with Geeta.

As I massaged Geeta, I couldn't hold back my concerns any longer, so I nervously began, "Mistress, I've come to realize that I'm on estrogen as part of your plan. I kindly request you to stop it as I don't understand its role in the movie and the character I'm supposed to play. I'm feeling frustrated." My voice quivered with apprehension.

To my surprise, Geeta responded with a gentle smile. She explained that the estrogen treatment was necessary for the movie's role I had to portray. She emphasized that to convincingly express my feminine side on the screen, I needed to understand what it was like to be a woman, both physically and emotionally. This treatment and my role as a housewife over the past three months were all part of her grand plan, and she mentioned that I had been on medication for almost six months. Her words left me in a state of shock and confusion, but I had no choice but to continue complying with her wishes.

Feeling overwhelmed and in disbelief, I mustered the courage to voice my concerns, urging Geeta to reconsider the medication. In response, she calmly retrieved a set of papers from her bag and placed them in my quivering hand. As I perused the documents, my heart sank – they were the very contracts I had signed when accepting the role in her movie.

My eyes widened as I read the fine print, which explicitly stated that I had willingly consented to undergo hormone replacement therapy. The therapy would continue until Geeta was completely satisfied with my transformation into the role of a woman, and she had the authority to decide the duration. I was rendered speechless, shock coursing through my veins.

Geeta, empathetic to my distress, gently took the papers back and began to offer reassurance. She said, "My dear wife, please don't cry. We are in this journey together, and once the world witnesses your incredible talent, portraying the real you, you'll become an invaluable asset to Bollywood." Her words, though bittersweet, carried a sense of conviction that began to ease my troubled mind. She guided me to sleep beside her, where eventually, my tears dried as I drifted into slumber.

With each passing month, I had become a true embodiment of the perfect woman, flawlessly performing my role as a dedicated housewife. My grace, beauty, and feminine essence had become second nature, and I scarcely recalled the days when I was a man. I had transformed into a vision of perfection, complete with a shapely hourglass figure that could rival any model, with my breasts now an impressive 36D.

As I continued to embrace this new identity, I received the scripts for the next act of the movie, which was scheduled to begin in three months. This time, the shoot would span eight months, taking us to various locations. I was determined and ready to give my best performance, dedicating myself to perfecting my role for the upcoming shoot.

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