Chapter 26: The Aftermath

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As the movie continued its successful run in the box office for nearly two months, it achieved an astounding feat, raking in nearly 800 crores, an astronomical sum that could be considered generational wealth. The OTT and TV rights were sold for a combined massive 200 crores, leaving the investors elated with their returns on investment.

Meanwhile, I was thoroughly enjoying my life in my newfound role as a housewife, working harder than ever before because it brought immense joy to my life. I had come out to the world as a woman, receiving a whirlwind of reactions, with the majority being accepting and positive, though there were some negative responses here and there.

Our love life had improved significantly, with Geeta taking on the dominant role in our relationship, and I willingly melted into her arms. We had explored various aspects of our relationship, and I found pleasure in whatever my love, the man of our house, Geeta, did. My submissive nature had grown to the point where I exuded femininity at its peak.

We were invited to the annual National Academy Awards, where our movie received accolades for the Best Movie and Best Concept Movie, and Geeta won the award for Best Emerging Director of the Year. I was nominated for the Best Male Lead Role but surprised everyone by winning the award for Best Female Lead of the Year, along with the title of the Most Influential Figure of the Year. I expressed my gratitude for these awards, dedicating them to Geeta, who had empowered me to be my true self. I also thanked my fans and peers for their unwavering support and love.

This whirlwind experience felt like a dream, and I wished to savor every moment of it, hoping that it would last forever.

In that same year, we made the decision to start a family. With the unique situation where I still had my male companion, we consulted doctors who helped extract my sperm. Through the IVF procedure, the fertilized eggs were implanted into Geeta's womb. We had a clear understanding that I would take on the role of the mother, while Geeta would be the father figure. Our desire was to have twins, and we were incredibly fortunate that our wish was granted, thanks to the expertise of the doctors.

Throughout Geeta's pregnancy, my role as the expectant mother became even more significant. I cared for her with all my heart and wished that somehow I could experience the joy of maternity myself. There was a bittersweet feeling knowing that this wasn't possible for me, but I focused on Geeta's happiness and the beautiful family we were building together.

Now, I am a proud mother of two wonderful children, a boy and a girl. Geeta, my dear partner, is by my side, and we've crafted a life that feels like a dream come true. My career has flourished, and I've learned to choose my scripts wisely, avoiding the mistakes of the past. My fans adore me, and I frequently play leading roles in movies, usually as the female lead, which I absolutely love. I even received offers from Hollywood to star in a TV series as the lead female, which was an exciting opportunity.

I'm fortunate enough to live the lifestyle I've always desired. Besides acting, I often model for various clothing labels, and I select movie roles that convey important social messages and deliver the emotional impact the audience craves. Occasionally, I also accept big-money lead roles to add some excitement to my career. Life has become a beautiful journey, and I'm grateful for the love, support, and acceptance I've found along the way.

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