Chapter 11: Compliance

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As Anu released me from the constraints that bound me to the chair, I felt an overpowering urge to flee, to escape from this bizarre situation that had transformed me into a woman, complete with a cute appearance. I even found myself wearing 2-inch heels, causing a noticeable imbalance as I tried to move. Anu, ever vigilant, steadied me and proceeded to instruct me on how to walk like a woman, emphasizing the graceful sway of the hips with each step.

Feeling an unexpected surge of frustration and humiliation, I let a word slip from my lips, only to be met with a sharp strike from Anu's stick. She sternly reminded me that such language was unacceptable for a lady. Despite my reluctance and mounting frustration, I couldn't deny that I was fighting a losing battle.

In the face of Anu's persistence, I reluctantly agreed to follow her instructions, my resistance slowly crumbling beneath the weight of my new reality.

With each strike of the stick, Anu reinforced the strict rules she had imposed upon me. Addressing her as "ma'am" became mandatory, and I was to speak with politeness and care, just as a lady would. Anu further demanded that I adopt a high-pitched voice, mimicking that of a woman.

As the grueling half-day of constant instruction continued, focusing on walking with swaying hips and speaking in a feminine manner, I felt overwhelmed. Emotionally drained, I found myself in the midst of an emotional breakdown, tears streaming down my face. The weight of this transformation and the new demands placed upon me were pushing me to my limits, and I struggled to cope with the emotional turmoil that enveloped me.

As Anu lifted me up, the tears that had welled up seemed futile, for I knew that this ordeal would continue until I met Geeta's exacting standards and completed the shoot. It was this glimmer of hope and motivation that kept me going, pushing me to persevere through the challenges that lay ahead.

Anu then declared that I would be referred to as Arya, and I was to use she/her pronouns from that moment onward. Suppressing the urge to lash out, I allowed Anu to guide me to the closet. To my shock, my once-familiar wardrobe had been replaced with an array of women's clothing: sarees, Chudidars, Kurtis, leggings, various styles of heels, shoes, bras, panties, women's gym attire, and even seven sets of maid uniforms, among other items. This was my breaking point, but I understood that I would be pushed even further.

Resigned to my fate, I began to change out of my saree and blouse, followed by the petticoat, until I stood in just my bra and panties. She then handed me one of the seven maid outfits and asked me to put it on with a stern command and I knew well not to argue. The French maid outfit was a meticulously designed ensemble that left no detail overlooked. It consisted of a white, satin-finish, short-sleeved dress with a fitted bodice that cinched at the waist. The skirt, made of delicate, black lace, flared out playfully just above the knee, giving it a flirtatious and feminine touch. The dress featured a pristine white apron adorned with intricate lace details, which cascaded down the front and added an element of elegance.

Beneath the dress, I wore a pair of white, translucent pantyhose that gave my legs a subtle sheen, enhancing the illusion of femininity. The outfit was completed with dainty, black Mary Jane-style shoes with 3 inch heels, their glossy finish complementing the overall look. A white, satin headband adorned with a small black bow adorned my hair, which Anu had carefully styled earlier.

As I stood in front of the mirror, fully attired in the French maid outfit, I couldn't help but feel like a character from a different era, exuding an aura of allure and sophistication. The attention to detail in the outfit, from the lace and satin to the accessories, further emphasized the meticulous nature of the transformation I was undergoing, leaving me with a profound sense of unease as I prepared to follow Anu's instructions. The transformation was complete, and I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of unease as I adjusted to this new identity and attire, each detail meticulously chosen to enhance the illusion of femininity.

As I followed Anu in my new French maid outfit, she wasted no time in assigning me tasks. First on the list was cleaning the entire two-story house, despite it already being relatively tidy. I dutifully went about the task, even though my frilly attire felt out of place for such chores. The process took two hours, leaving me tired but determined to carry on.

Anu's relentless demands continued as she instructed me to do Geeta's laundry. Throughout the task, she offered constant corrections to my movements, insisting that they lacked the required femininity. Between loads of laundry, she also asked me to fetch her a glass of water. As I climbed to the rooftop to hang the laundry, I couldn't help but feel self-conscious in my altered appearance, especially with the 3-inch Mary Jane heels making each step an uncomfortable challenge.

Thankfully, I completed the laundry without any unwanted encounters with the neighbors on their rooftops. However, my respite was short-lived, as Anu reminded me that it was time to prepare dinner in anticipation of Geeta's arrival. I sighed, resigned to my duties, which took another hour to finish.

Then, as if out of nowhere, Geeta arrived and wrapped her arms around my waist, expressing happiness that I was adapting to my new role with enthusiasm. I was taken aback but couldn't help but question her about the reasons behind this sudden and intense transformation. Before I could fully voice my concerns, Anu reminded me to address Geeta as "Mistress." I did as instructed, my curiosity growing as I awaited Geeta's response. She cryptically mentioned that all of this was for my betterment and left to freshen up for dinner, leaving me with unanswered questions and a sense of bewilderment.

As dinner commenced, I went about setting the table just as I had done when I was still Aryan, except now I was guided by Anu in my new role as Arya. I served them both, and as I sat down to eat, Anu administered yet another reprimand, this time for beginning to eat before my partner had finished. I was taken aback, awaiting Geeta's response, but she remained silent.

Feeling somewhat perplexed, I stood by Geeta's side, mirroring the image of a dutiful wife, despite the fact that our roles were traditionally reversed. My current attire and the situation left me feeling far from the husband I had once been.

Once they had finished their meal and headed to wash their hands, Geeta retreated to her room. I was about to serve myself more food when Anu delivered yet another directive. She explained that a dutiful wife would eat from her partner's plate, consuming the leftovers as a symbol of love and affection. Although anger welled up inside me, I complied, transferring some of Geeta's leftover food onto my plate, despite it not being enough to satisfy my hunger. Anu cautioned me not to eat more than necessary, leaving me frustrated but with no choice.

After the meal, Anu assigned me the task of doing the dishes. Once that was completed, I was to return to the room and provide Geeta with a massage until she fell asleep. Anu also instructed me to retrieve a sleeping bag from the closet and sleep on the floor. My anger and confusion grew, but I realized I had no say in the matter; this was all part of a grand plan that I couldn't comprehend.

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