Chapter 14: More Challenges

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As I remembered the schedule, I went back into my closet, removed my saree and blouse and petticoat folding them and setting them aside. Then, I was about to put on the sports bra when my eyes fell upon my chest, which felt sore and looked a bit more swollen, and my nipple seemed different, almost like a tiny flower bud rather than the dot it usually was. I wondered if this was an effect of wearing a bra all the time, not realizing that the weekly injections and medication from Anu were responsible.

Nonetheless, I put on the sports bra along with a pair of sports leggings, ankle socks, and running shoes, all designed for girls. I was now ready to start my exercise routine when Anu called me, pointing towards a bicycle. It dawned on me that I would be out in public as a woman, a public figure no less. The thought of being seen as a woman in public, with all the potential scrutiny and ridicule, made me nervous. I hesitated for a moment, but the memory of yesterday's punishment and Anu's stern gaze reminded me of the consequences of defiance. I gulped in fear, realizing I had no choice but to follow Anu's instructions.

Nervously, I stepped out of the door, scanning the area to see if anyone was watching. My anxiety only seemed to anger Anu as she marched over and pulled me out of the house by my hands. Tears welled up in my eyes as she placed a bicycle helmet on my head and instructed me to ride, then went to get her own cycle. I had no choice but to comply.

The gym was about 4 kilometers away, and the entire journey felt like an ordeal. I couldn't shake the feeling that everyone was staring at me, even though most people were minding their own business. The fear of being recognized gnawed at me, but I managed to reach the gym without incident.

Entering the gym, I feared that someone might identify me. However, the membership card Anu handed me had the name "Arya" on it, providing me with a shield from recognition at the entrance. Inside, I noticed there were only a couple of people around, as it was already 10:30 AM, and most would have finished their workouts by then. This brought a slight sense of relief, but I still kept my guard up.

Anu wasted no time in subjecting me to a rigorous exercise routine, which I now realized was aimed at enhancing my hips and thighs and giving me a more womanly hourglass figure. After a grueling three-hour session, I pedaled my way back home, utterly exhausted and terrified of being recognized along the way. I felt as though I were on the verge of collapsing.

Once I reached home and took a moment to relax, Anu informed me that it was time to prepare lunch. I followed her instructions, preparing the meal with grace and then sitting down to eat it. After finishing lunch and completing the dishes, I returned to my closet and removed my sweaty workout attire, tossing it into the laundry basket. I changed into the yellow dance outfit from the previous day, ready for another two-hour dance session after a short 30-minute rest.

Following the dance, I moved on to an hour of gardening before returning to my closet. Anu was with me, and she promptly tossed my outfit into the laundry basket. I was ready for a shower, but as I wrapped the towel around my waist, she struck me with a stick and instructed me to put it around my chest like a woman would. I obeyed, took a comfortable shower, and got dressed in my maid outfit. With some more makeup instructions from Anu, I carried out the remaining household chores, including laundry, and then hung them on the rooftop to dry.

I continued my duties, embracing the role of a dutiful housewife, until it was time to go to bed.

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