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"Hey Mallory, do you guys have a Orange Calcite here?" A voice asked, I looked up and see my long time regular customer Atta.

"Hey Atta! We just got some in it's back this way, follow me!" I lead the way towards the back session where the crystals are. I am a crystal lover. I have my very own crystal store called "THE UNKNOWN" and It's been open for about 2 years now. It's one of my favorite places to be.

"Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, let me know if you need anything else!" I responded walking away to give her space.

I'm straightening gems and bag on my way up to the front, I see Sage wiring a necklace for a customer.
"Here ya go!" She says to the customer and they tell each other have a nice day as the customer leaves.

"Hey girl." Sage greets me smiling.

"Hey, I was just about to-" I stopped my sentence as our entrance ring goes off, that means another customer entered the store. We turn to see who it is so we can greet them, our normal thing. I froze up when I saw who it was, mystery twin again.

Mystery twin comes in my store every other week and buys a crystal, and sometimes he doesn't buy anything. He comes in walks around checking things out. I've been keeping track of all the crystals he buy...weird right? I wonder who he buys them for..himself? his girlfriend?

Stop Mals. Stop Mals. Don't overthink.

I try not to give him that much attention so I don't look creepy, but his smile, his walk and the way he talks. It invites me in, his energy invites me in. I can't shake it. I always ask myself if I'm out my mind, but all I do is look at him and get my answer...Hell No..
It's been like this since he came in here with his twin like a month ago.


"You should give Travis a chance Mals." Sage stated.

"No I shouldn't" I said too quick while fixing these Evil Eye necklaces.

"Why not?"

"Cause I know what his intentions are and they're not aligned with mine."

"Aww, so y'all had that deep conversation huh?

"Uhh duhh, I don't got time for games...and men in general really." I stated loud and proudly.

Sage laughed, nodding her head. "I know that's rig-

Someone clears their throat.

"Excuse me ladies." A voice called to us, strong manly one.

We paused and look to our left and saw twins, handsome twins. The first one is a little taller with long curly hair with red tips with a smile on his face, and the other....

Even tho they're twins..why is this one so breathtaking?

He was a little shorter, but more muscular. His hair is short mullet with red tips and he had bottom grills. He seems very observant...mysterious

"Hey, I'm sorry! how can I help?" I said, blushing a little knowing they heard everything I said.

"I'm looking for a certain crystal for my wife. She's been searching for this type of crystal and can't find it. Maybe you guys have it...a labradorite?" He expressed hopefulness but sounded somewhat skeptical.

"Today is your lucky day, cherry bomb." Sage said bluntly.
I look back her shocked "Sage!"

"Say what?" He said looking at Sage smirking a little, but we all know he heard her.

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