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I sigh in relief as he drops on top of me in exhaustion, catching our breath for a minute. He rolls off laying next to me. We stay like this for a moment. Then he proceeds to get up to shower, asking me if I want to join him. I decline the offer and waited for him to go in the bathroom. He gives me a kiss then going shutting the door after him.

I sat up against my headboard and reached for my phone on my side of the bed trying to check it. I instantly went to my messages, hoping to see if Jey had replied to my texts or at least call me back. That man got his Kelly Radar up at all times.

I haven't been really seeing him around the arenas. When I did, he would dip and dodge me quick fast and in a hurry. It gets under my skin. I knew at the moment he wants nothing to do with me, but I don't give a fuck.

When Jey and I were messing around it was fun, and we were cool. I would hang out with him and the guys in the locker rooms. It was never no drama, especially from me. Well...until he started messing with other girls around me. Confronting him about then, he always asked me what did I expect?

I just scoffed to myself, grabbing my ciagrettes and getting up strolling towards my balcony. Opening the doors to the hot weather, stepping outside to smoke. Taking a seat at the table. I decided to send Jey another text message, asking him when he would be coming back into town. I missed him a lot, and was tired of hanging with Priest. I knew that this whole situation was fucked up, yet I just couldn't help myself.

We never had an actual relationship, but I at least tried to act like we did. Thinking maybe, just maybe he would change his mind on how he saw me. But he always kept it straight with me, I just never accepted it.

I started to have feelings for him. Yes, I told him. Then them all of a sudden, he switched up on me. He started being distant, avoiding me and not responding to my texts. I was so confused on the whole thing and it was started to get on my nerves. Deep down, I knew the reason why. So I apologized and asked to just remain friends.

And my crazy ass still was coming in the locker room acting like nothing was happened. Pretending no feelings were there. Secretly trying to get his attention or try to get him jealous, but he would peep me out checking me about it, and that I needed to chill. They barely let me in their room now.

Every woman knew he was mine, and I let it be known to any that stepped in my way. So when I saw the locs girl, I instantly saw red and went up in the room. I saw him showing her around and introducing her to people. Ain't no way a plain ass bitch like that was taking him from me.

I smack my lips seeing my messages aren't going through, this mfa blocked me. Tossing my phone on the table as I take a big drag of my cigarette. The whole fuck buddy operation with him wasn't perfect at all. In fact, it was extremely toxic. And trying so hard to get his attention back since then seeing him with another woman after all this time made me realize that I am deeply in love and obsessed with Jey and I simply refused to let him go.

My phone catches my attention back as it starts to vibrate and I quickly snatched it up. A small smile formed on my lips, expecting to see his name on display. Instead, it's one of my girlfriends back in Cali. I frowned in confusion, cause I'm all kinds of confused to what she could want. We hadn't talked in months.


"Hey Kells!" She said excitedly.

"Hey girl, It's been a while."

"Right! Long time no see bitch, what's up?!"

"You know, just throwing bitches around." I did a little laugh, "What's up with you?"

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