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This car ride is just filled with silence. He wasn't trying to make conversation and either was I, so I decided to play music. I turn it up leaving us drowning in it. I lean back in my seat exhaling trying to relax and brace myself for this talk. I'm not trying to argue or anything with him no more, so if we both take this time to calm down then maybe we'll get through it without gunnin' at each other.

We finally get to his house, as he unlocks the door and silently tells me to walk in first. I snort to myself as I walked in, he was starting to annoy me because he had a lot to say at the Cafe and he's still giving me the silent treatment. okay I guess the car ride wasn't enough time for him to cool it.

I hear barks and a bunch of paws running against the wooden floor heading our way direction, I look down to see his 3 overexcited dogs welcoming us at the door. I whole smile grew on my face as I squat down greeting the pits.

"Hi Pongo, Mumble, and Jaxxx!" I rub them one by one, showing them love while they try to lick my face. The first time I came over they keep smelling me trying to get a feel out of me, they eventually warmed up to me.

"Mm, so I guess you ain't ignoring them huh?" He mumbled, side eyeing me as he walked passed us putting my stuff down. I sent him a slight glare at his pettiness, but I shook my head deciding to ignore him. He comes back rubbing on the dogs talking to them, while they lick him and try to jump on him. He gives them a treat.

"Tell your daddy don't be a hater." I dramatically whispered to the dogs, rubbing Pongo's ear. Jey smacks his lips getting up. I cracked a smile at him as I see him head to the kitchen, I get up to follow him walking over to go sit on one of the bar chairs. I watch him grab two cups from his cabinet, getting us something to drink. He feels me watching his movements.

"You good?" He asked me, despite him discreetly poppin' up on my ass and us fighting, he still wanted to make sure I was good with him. I look up at him leaning forward in my seat, "I'm good." I say, nodding my head, "You still mad at me?" I asked him.

"Are you done runnin?" He stopped what he was doing and looks at me, basically telling me he wasn't going nowhere. He let me get that space I wanted and now it's time to talk. I knew he wasn't just going to have me keep ignoring him that, he's don't go for that. He was going pull up like he said he would. I wasn't running

"I'm here, aren't I?" I said to him, surrendering to my capness. I was going to leave with him at the end of the day, I folded my arms as we kept eye contact, then he nods his head and went back to pouring our drinks.

"Let's go sit on the balcony." He comes towards me softly bumping my arm handing me my drink, I thanked him as he puts his hand on my hip guiding me towards his room upstairs. We head outside on the balcony, and I sit down on the left to cover up with the blanket. He sits down to my right, but there's a little space between us and he noticed looking at me with confusion.

"Why you sittin' far?"

"I'm not?" I raised my eyebrow, "I just sat where the blanket was so I can cover up." He gives me a whatever looks because he knows that I know what he means. He wants to be all up on me, but he's trying to be lowkey with it. I smile smugly looking over at the city lights.

Losing his composure, he reached over and tugged me "Come Here." He said, his voice deep. I just stared at him as I mindfully ask myself should I fold to it, we got some things to talk about and I don't want him to think shit is sweet. He then takes the initiative to reach over again but this time pulls me to his chest and wrap his arms around me, "Come here man, stop being mean to me." he states dramatically.

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