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"You are worthy of love, bliss and prosperity

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"You are worthy of love, bliss and prosperity."
"You freely open to receive."
"I am one with god."
"I am abundance."
"I am light."
"I am following the path that feels good."
"I am someone, because god did not make garbage."

I walk out the bathroom on my way to kitchen after doing my morning affirmations, feeling uplifted. It's a routine of mine that grew and helped me in many ways on my healing journey. I always make sure to say them 3 times a day to keep higher self present and aligned.

I turn my stove and wait for my water to boil in the tea pot, walking to my herb cabinet to see what tea I want to make.
"which one, which one?" I whisper to myself. "Let's go with lavender and chamomile" I grab the 2 jars and set them on the counter.

After making my tea, I grab my journal and head out to sit on my porch. I like to sit outside in the morning and journal, and also think. One thing I realized during a spiritual journey, you grow wisdom in quietness and nature. I used to hate going outside, but now I love it. Its my way of knowing I'm not alone.
People shouldn't feel sad about being alone because the thing is, you're not alone. It may look like your alone because of what you see, but it's all about what you feel. When your body expresses loneliness to you, the spirit, it indicates that you have your attention somewhere besides with your body.

I sit on my porch couch swing and get myself together, turning my phone to silent mode and sat it down with everything else. And I just sit here, closing my eyes, paying attention to my breathing and listening to the nature surrounding me. I feel myself flowing and getting into my conscious state, feeling my vibration rise. I started my journaling, replaying in my head what happened last night and writing about my thoughts on it.

So I'm now knowing
that what is precious is not casual
I give myself only to those who value and view my pleasures as precious
this this pleases me
I release all old attachments
wounds that causes me to be easily charmed
who plays off my pasted intentions

I'm so worthy to receive attention and affection
aligned with my body, mind, and soul
I want to give myself that
I won't shy from my harsh truths
I attract not only emotional safe spaces
I am magnetize man who are stable in their masculinity
I realize recently that stability turns me on so much
I'm so open to be seen and be sexually free
formally regarding the boundaries that keep my soft place is soft

I don't food into boyish desires

I inspired a man to rise in every way
waking love is rising to the occasion a pleasure
I know it's gonna be out of this world, I can get caught up and believing my special.
but everybody is special
I'm specially me

I like the idea of me being special
but I don't have to be special
I just want to be me - my full me
a special to me

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