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I'm sitting in the locker room watching the show from backstage. We got a tag team match tonight against the Street Profits and I need to get my head in the game. I can't shake this irritation I feel sitting in this room, and I'm trying not to think too much of why. I checked my phone to see if I got any notifications, and nothing.

I shook my head and I don't know at who, at myself? or Mallory? It's been a week since I left back out for tour and she's been fucking dodging me, and I'm trying let her cool off, but she lowkey got me buggin'. No matter how I play it off to myself or my boys, they know she got me fucked up. I click on her name and call her, but it rung twice and it went straight to voicemail. I smacked my lips.

I'm really tryna give her some space, but how she ghosted me wasn't cool. The next day after the party I tried to call, text, hell even tried to facetime and she wasn't answering. She was reading my messages tho, but giving me nothing. This type of shit I'm not used to, and I don't how it's making me feel but I know I'm getting irritated thinking about it.

The door opens and I turn my head to see Joe walks in. He grabs and bottle of water and comes to down on one of the couches relaxing.

"What's going on Cuddy?" He said, opening his bottle.

"What's up man." I mumbled to him.

"You good?" he asked, noticing my mood.

"I'm straight Uce."

"She still hasn't called, has she?" getting straight to the point.

"Nah, but's cool." I kept it short and shrugged it off, wanting to change the subject. I'm not tryna hear nothing at this point.

"Well, just look at this as a lesson learned. Now you know what will happen if you try anything like this again." he shrugs, trying to see a positive in this situation.

I sent him a death glare

"What?" he asked, "I'm just-"

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"What?" he asked, "I'm just-"

"I'm not tryna hear that shit Uce, you starting to have me fuck you too." I warned him, leaning back on the couch.

"Alright, Look man." He started to say leaning up, "Did you cheat? No. Did you lie? No, but in a way you kept her in the dark about something that she felt she should've known. Just accept it man. While she's getting her space, sit with yourself and try to see where she's coming from in her point of view. You staying mad isn't gonna do anything but make y'all situation worse. Give yourself some space as well." He said, stating his advice to me.

I nodded, actually listening a little. he's right, maybe it's me I'm mad at. We're here because of me. I tried to do something I felt was right, I just went about it the wrong way. But some stuff was cap.

"But I'm giving her space Uce, I'm doing dat." I clarified.

"Nooo you're not

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"Nooo you're keep blowing her phone up." Roman tilted his head giving me a look then looking down at my phone then back up at me. I smacked my lips, looking back at the TV in my feelings.

"Cus her ass will never ghost me." I said, under my breath. the fuck she thought

"Don't feel to good, does it?" he asked, smiling a little.

He and I know that I'm getting a taste of my own medicine. I was out here dropping hoes before and texting em whenever and ghosting em whenever. I never thought I'd be the one in this position with a woman, being ghosted and blowing someone up. and it's knocking me down a few notches, fucking Funa.

I snort, shaking my head a little "Crazy." I said, laughing to myself.

Joe nods as the door swings open again and fucking Kelly comes in, and I roll my eyes feeling my irritation creep right back up on me.

"Hi Jey Baby!"  her annoying ass said, walking towards us. Usually I don't be having time to be sitting and playing her fucking games, but today I got all the time.
I told Funa I was gon handle her, and that's what Imma do.

I look over at Joe and he throws his hands up as he gets off the couch, walking towards to door. I sigh as I sit up putting my elbows on my knees and put my head down slowly shaking. When is this girl gon fucking learn? I'm starting to think she's doing this shit on purpose and the mood I'm right now, she's about to get all this smoke with me.

"Good. You dropped that weirdo you was with last time." "I knew that bitch was only temporary baby." She said, cheerfully as she sat down next me. I frozed at my her last sentence and slowly lift my head up glowering at her.

"I'm bout tired of yo ass." I said to her, irritation all in my voice. I get up away from her, and started pacing getting worked up.

"What?" She looked confused, slow-speaking she stands up putting her hand on her hips. "What are you talking about?" She looked possibly confused.

"What I'm talking' bout? You keep fuckin comin here uce. Disrespectin' my girl tryna make yourself own like you running shit over here and you don't! You don't run shit over here and you for damn sure to run me ya feel me?" I said, voice rough as fuck.

"She snorts, "You're girl?" You're really choosing her over me?" She asked, looking with disbelief.

"We was only fucking Kelly. What's makes you think I choose you?" I asked her, and her eyes turned dark with anger.

"Hmm?" I waited, folding my arms together waiting for her answer. "Because you was riding me and giving me top?" I kept going as she shook her head denying it all, but I nodded while she backs away from me.

"Yeah it's good, I know." I taunted her.

"You're a pig!" She said to me, voice in disgust.

"Never dat, but I am that nigga when fuck with people I care about." I stare down at her to let her know don't fuck with me.

"I should've have Priest fuck you up that night."

"I don't give a fuck what you do, just keep me and mines out yo business." pointing my finger at her, heading towards the door as I boldly stating my words. I pull the door open for her ass to leave.

She flip the shit out of the hair tryna get herself together like I didn't phase her and walks out but stop in front of me,

"You and I both know she can't handle you." She said, with a devilish grin on her face.

"And You and I both know you can't handle her. Deuces!" I said, I nod my head to the left for her to get the fuck out my face. Her face turns sour and struts down the hallway, bumping into Jimmy.

"Get out my way!" She yells.

"Excuse you!" Jimmys yells out at her and continues to walk towards the room. He stops at the door and grabs my shoulder before walking in.

"Damn, you got that girl dickmatized huh?" he asked, jokingly.

"Man, get yo-"  I shrugged his hand off me, walking back into the room still annoyed at her ass.

Jimmy laughs following me into the room, "I'm fucking with ya Uce. My Fault, but aye now she knows what's up tho."

"Mallory ain't hitting me back, Uce. She got me buggin'." I finally letting it out and sitting back down.

"You'll hear from her soon, don't let that shit eat you up. Uce, I need to head in the game. We got this match tonight, I need ya head clear you feel me? Let's focus on this match, then you handle yo business afterwards and if you need help, I got you." He grabbed my shoulder, shaking me a little. "Focus, Uce." he smacks my shoulder as he walks away.

I nodded agreeing, I do need to focus and worry about my personal shit later. I cool myself out and get myself warmed up for the match. Imma give Mallory what she wants, but if she think this shit is about to keep goin' she wildin' cause soon as I touch down home..I'm pulling up on that ass.

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