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We finally made to Indy, after hours of driving. We settled at our hotel, and ate some food. Now we're driving through the cities before heading into the arena. Pointing out places and things out to Jey as we drove by and telling him random stories. It's giving me lots of nostalgia. New stuff was built around, but one thing that hasn't changed are these damn pot holes. Jey be dodging them pretty good.

"You excited to be back home?" Jey asked, breaking my thought.

"Yes, I'm excited to see my family!" I said, excitedly. I called my mom on the way here, telling her I was on my way to Indy surprising her. I was thinking of not calling her and just pullup at her house, but I couldn't wait. She wants to meet Jey, but I didn't tell him yet. He might think it's too early, or maybe I do? I tend to overthink things, especially with meeting the whole families thing.

He nods, "Can't wait to meet em' Funa." I looked over and smiled at him.

"She wants to meet you." I tell him.

"I mean." He licks his pointer finger and his pinky and runs them over his eyebrows, then runs his hand over his beard trying to be smooth.

"Yeah, whatever!" I laughed.

"I'm just sayin', look look!" he said, taking his hands off the wheel and using both of his hands running over his beard quickly and grabbing it back. Laughing at his craziness.

"Nah forreal, I can't wait to meet her. She's sounds sweet on the phone." He said, grabbing my hand.

We pulled up at the arena, driving through the garage. We get out making sure we got everything and I watch him while he grabs his bag out the trunk.

"You good?" He asked me, putting his bag over his shoulders and grabbing my hand as we started to walking.

"I'm good." I told him. He nods and looks at me briefly, then looking back at me again. I lift my eyebrow at him and he smirks at me flirtatiously.

"You do that shit on purpose, huh?" He says, pulling me closer to him.

"What you talkin' bout?" I breathe out a little laugh, feeling myself become shy being under his gaze.

"That dress and them damn heels on girl, making that body set perfect. You know you dead wrong." He said, squeezing my ass.

I laughed, "Would you stop?!" Shoving him, he laughs  wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

We walked into the locker room to see Joesph and Sage, but I noticed her facial expression instantly knowing she's irritated. I look over at Joesph seeing him wrap his hands getting ready for the show, also noticing the frown on his face. The tension in the room hit us as Jey and I looked at each other silently, knowing to not even bring it up.

"Whadup Sage!" He says, walking towards her going for a hug. She looks up from her phone finally catching that we're here, she smiled saying hey and hugging him. They had their quick catch up, then Jey walks over to his brother as we hugged each other.

"Hi girl." Sage exhale out, I can hear the stress under her tone.

"Hey." I stepped back looking at her in concern. "What's wrong?" I asked her. She was about to say something, but she paused and grabbed my arm.

"Not here." she said, pulling me with her out the door. We proceed to the bathroom.

"Girl, what is going on?" I asked, when we walked in.

"Bitch, Joseph found out about Dayvon." She confessed. My mouth dropped.

"How?" I whispered.

"He must've been blowing me up when I was sleep or something. Bitch, when we was on the road I woke up from my nap and this nigga said out of nowhere, "Oh, and Dayvon said he missed you and wants to see you next week." She told me, imitating his words.

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