Chapter two

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"We're home!" Beth shouted waltzing through the door only carrying one thing in her hands. Plastic cups.

"Oh yeah it's alright Beth me and Leah will get it you just carry your all mighty cups don't you" Katie shouts sarcastically trudging through the front door with what looks like 6 bags in her hands. Leah right after her.

"Sorry" she said with a sheepish grin on her face "I just got too excited to tell Ro that i didn't forget the cups." She say walking into the living room stopping her tracks when she sees me and Viv on the sofa

Eventually I hear her leave the room and go into the kitchen to put the cups down.

Were all sprawled out on the sofas in the living room the credits of the film we were watching came rolling on. Letting us know that it was 4 o'clock and we probably should start to get ready.

I jump off the sofa and shout "I'M SHOWERING FIRST" as I run towards the bathroom with Katie hot on my tail.

"Oh no you're not missy, i thought it was my turn to go first this time" She shouts back, however I had already made my way inside the bathroom and locked the door behind me.

"Haha, you can't come in now so i guess i'll have to go first then wont i" I said with a massive grin on my face which I knew she couldn't see.

"Fine then but i'm going straight after you" she said not even trying to convince me.

I did a little happy dance knowing that I would always win, they all love me too much. I got undressed and started the shower. Once I washed my hair and did everything else I needed to do I got out of the shower.

I think Katie has super hearing or something because as soon as I have my towel wrapped around me she starts rapidly knocking on the door.

"Please can I come in now?" she says, still knocking on the door.

"Oh my god, yes you can but i still need to do my skincare and stuff" I say unlocking the door letting the impatient Irish woman in

"That's alright you don't mind me showering whilst you do that do ya" she says already taking her jumper off

"No,'' I replied, laughing a little "but guess you were gonna do it anyway". It wasn't weird for someone to be in the shower whilst another person was doing their skincare or makeup or just simply going to the toilet.

When I first moved in I was really unsure about doing it as I hadn't known the girls long but I came to my senses about 6 months into living with them. It's now probably a daily occurrence.

Katie was soon off with her shower routine after complaining that i always had the temperature too hot. I finish off my skincare and head into my room to do my makeup, as Katie promised me she would do my hair. The most extravagant thing I can do with my hair is put it in a bun so Kaie always offers to do it for me when we have team parties.

I tell Alexa to play my playlist on spotify and get on with my makeup. Soon after all of the girls are done with their showers and get into comfy clothes to do their hair and makeup. Eventually we all head into Beth and Viv's room as it has the best lighting.

"No, Katie my playlist is way better than yours" I shout at the girl across the room

"No yours is just a bunch of rubbish mine is amazing thank you very much" Katie argues back

"Will you two just shut up? You've been arguing about who has better music taste for months. None of you are going to win." Leah says finally fed up with our antics.

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