Chapter thirteen

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A/N: Hey guys to ensure you see all my announcements if you could, please could you give me a follow as i know you dont see them if you dont follow me. This will be my main type of communication to you guys from now on as the chapters will be scheduled to post so i dont forget. Thanks for all your support and im always here if you need to speak to anyone.xx

90+3 min 'Only a minute to go, and Rosie's on the run, passing it to Nobbs, Nobbs to Mead, Mead making the run. Rosie makes herself available from outside the box, Mead passes to her. AND SHE SCORES, what a brilliant late goal from the young player. The whole team going over to celebrate with her and Jill Scott it looks like is running up the sidelines to get in on the action, closely followed by the rest of the bench, not wanting to miss out on this incredible young girls talent appreciation.' 

Rosie's POV

As the final whistle went I just stood there, in the middle of the pitch soaking it all in. Today was my first ever full debut for England and being honoured to wear the captain's armband as well, I think my dad would be proud, and I hope he was watching over me this evening. Throughout the game I felt like I was in euphoria, I honestly felt like I could fly.

After a minute or two I could feel someone behind me, and to my surprise when I turned around, it wasn't Leah or Beth, it was Sarina.

"Thank you" I breathed out moving to stand in front of her.

"What for?" She asked back

"For believing in me, and for letting me wear the captains armband tonight, I know if my dad was here he would be very proud of me, and probably hug you to death" We both laughed at this

"Don't thank me, you've got other people to thank" She said turning and looking towards the rest of the team and then drawing her attention fully to Leah, who was talking with her Mum and Dad.

"She did all of this?" I say, shocked but not surprised.

"Yeah she was the one who asked everyone to wear the tape and she was the one who wanted to give you the captains armband, of course the rest of the team agreed when she proposed it, but yes Rosie she came up with all of this. And a little birdy may have told me that's there's one other surprise" As she says this Leah turns around, her eyes quickly darting around the pitch where the girls were spread out, then her eyes locked with me, secretly telling me to go over "You can go Rosie, you've done well tonight, I'm proud of you and I'm sure he would be too"

As soon as she said this I took off running, and jumped into Leah's arms.

"Thank you" I whisper into her ear

"You don't have to thank me, you deserve this so much" I stay in her arms for a few minutes until she whispers into my ear again "I would love to stay here all night but i think someones jealous" I get down from her arms as I feel her squeeze me one more time.

"Who" I say confused as there was no one behind me

"Me maybe" I hear that familiar Dutch accent coming from where I was just looking, it's like she teleported. I quickly run over to where she is and throw my arms around her as she does the same to me.

"I thought you couldn't come" I say confused, as she had a meeting with the Dutch national team manager

"Yeah, we rescheduled it to this morning so I could make it in time for your game once Leah told me her brilliant idea."

After our hellos and congratulations from many different people, I decided I would go for a walk around and see if I could find my friends, or if they had gone home already. Walking around the pitch I stopped to sign many things for people and take pictures.

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