Chapter sixteen

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J: Well, I can certainly try, I am going to need a reason though, I can't just be giving you her contact details without a reason

L: I want to adopt Rosie

Leah's POV

With the help of John and the rest of the board I finally managed to get Rosie's mum's number. It has taken about a week to sort it all out with all the sneaking around Rosie and the rest of the girls must think i've got a partner or something. Today is the day I get her number, John met me in Jonas' office this morning during a quick break in training.

Once I dropped Rosie off at school, I decided not to go home and go to my mums instead around a 30 minute drive from Rosie's school. I've also decided that i'm going to tell my mum today, she's been begging me since she joined that I needed to adopt her or something so I know she'll be by my side for all of this.

Parking my car in front of my mum's house, nerves were starting to bubble in my chest. I know mum will be on board with it but will Jacob and dad. My mum has brought it up in front of them before but they just managed to change the subject so I don't know how they will react when I tell them I'm going for it.

I got out of the car and walked up to the front door, my shaky hands finding my mum's house key on the keychain Rosie made for me in art class last year, I know it's lame but still. Walking through the front door, Bella comes bounding up to me with her tail wagging, before quickly checking behind me to make sure no one is left out. My mum soon follows by wiping her hands on a tea towel.

"Hello, sweetheart Rosie, not with you today?" My mum says bringing me in for a hug

"No, she's at school now but I did want to tell you about something" I say as she pulls out of the hug and we make our way to the kitchen, my mum making her coffee and me a cup of tea. Once the drinks are made she sits down across the table from me.

"So what did you want to tell me"

"I'm going for it mum"

"Going for what i'm confused"

"I'm going to try and adopt Rosie" I say with a small smile on my face, when my mum stays silent for a moment my smile drops and the nerves in my stomach threaten to make an appearance all over the table. A sudden smile comes over her face as she says

"Oh Leah thats awesome, what does she think about it"

"Well i haven't told her yet just incase her mum says no but I was going to wait a little bit anyway just incase something goes wrong or something like that"

"Oh Leah don't worry about it, i'm sure everything will go to plan"

After I told my mum the news I spent the next couple of hours at her house just talking about things, then I realised it was getting to 2:30pm and I needed to pick Rosie up at 3. I say goodbye to my mum and make my way back to Rosie's school much more hopeful after talking with my mum.

At home I go straight to my room saying hello to Beth, Viv and Katie on the way as Rosie goes to sit with them. As I make my way upstairs, my hands shakily hold onto my phone, putting Rosie's mum's number into my phone, thinking about what I'm going to say to her. When I get to my room I've finally decided what to say to her so I type it out and quickly send it throwing my phone onto my bed scared if she replies straight away.

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