Chapter thirty-seven

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A/N: Hey guys!! Just letting you know that i have just about 3 weeks left with exams then i am finished for summer which will enable me to write more if there is a delay in posting for some reason i will let you know in an announcement so make sure you are following me. Any feedback or scenes you would like to be written would be much appreciated just send a comment to my account or comment on one of my chapters and i shall try my best to fit it in xx

Lucy: Hey Le, Jonathan said he would be more than happy to have her here so he's gonna email Jonas about dates and her physio plan and stuff

Georgia: Hey Le, Alexander said yes!!! He said he would email Jonas when he gets the chance about dates and stuff then they can email later on about her physio plan cause it might change or whatever

Leah's POV

I was now sitting in Rosie's room with her sitting on the bed and her suitcase open on the floor in between us trying to decide what she should pack. Rosie had become slightly more talkative after I told her about what was going to happen.

"Maybe we should ring Steph or something to help us" Rosie spoke up as so far she had nothing in her case

"Yeah that might be a good idea i'll go and ring her now" I said standing up and grabbing my phone

The phone rang a few times before Steph answered

S: Hey Leah what's up Rosie all packed?

L: Well not really we kind of- need your help we've got no clue what to pack

S: Ok im just finishing the last few bits of mine and then i'll be over, it's only a few hours until I was coming to pick her up anyways, also we've changed round so Caitlins going to sleep at mine with me and Rosie instead of us going there just so you can let her know

L: Ok thanks Steph we'll see you soon then

"Bring calvy please Coco misses him" Rosie shouted in the background

S: Tell her I said I will then see you both soon

I left Rosie's suitcase on the floor as I grabbed the TV remote and hopped into bed next to her, turning Netflix on and putting Friends on which Rosie had been watching on repeat. She just shuffled into me as I put my arm around her as we watched together.

Eventually I heard someone knock on the door, someone opened it and I could hear paws pattering on the floor, Coco jumping up from the end of the bed where she was laid.

"Come on then Calvin they're up here" I heard Steph say after she greeted Beth who opened the door for her. Eventually Rosie's bedroom door was opened and in ran the energetic goldendoodle.

"Hi Calvy" Rosie said as she took her attention away from the TV and turned it to the dogs who were now greeting each other and Rosie.

"Hi Steph thanks for coming round early" I said as Steph walked in and put Calvin's lead on Rosie's desk

"It's no problem I wasn't doing anything important, did you tell her about the plan change"

"Yeah I did, she was a bit nervous about Dean being there as well but I spoke to her about it and she's perfectly fine now"

"That's good right should we let these crazy dogs out and then get to packing" She said to Rosie who nodded as Steph opened the bedroom door and they both ran out.

"Right, we're going to Australia so where are your summer clothes?" Steph said as Rosie shrugged her shoulders and I stood up to go and get them.

"We put them in the storage cupboard after our holiday, they're vacuum packed as well" I said leaving the room to go and get her clothes. I grabbed the two labelled 'Roro'.

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