Chapter thirty-one

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A/N: (creds to storiesxox05 ) April is autism awareness month, this is special to me as i have also been diagnosed with autism quite recently after a battle with doctors, however more linking to the story if you didn't already know, Rosie is on the autistic spectrum which may explain the sensitivity to loud noises and some other things which may pop up in the story. The account above has provided some amazing information and allowed me to share it with you all. Her story is incredible and i think if you like this one you should defo go and read her story.

There's a 12.3% increase in chance of people with autism being diagnosed with epilepsy, the statistic being higher for females. It is also over 60% more likely that this would be diagnosed in early teenage/ late pre-teen years, at the start of the development of the brain. A major incident often can influence this, and if often a leading factor in the diagnosis of epilepsy, being an event which triggers the grey matter, or the part of the brain impacted.

I am so lucky to not have epilepsy myself however i know many young girls out there who are diagnosed with autism also have epilepsy, it is vital that we spread this information and if you have any questions storiesxox05   may have the answer for you.

She lifted the trophy and we all cheered, it's official.

I'm a European champion at 16.

Back in the changing rooms was a vibe. All the Arsenal girls and Lauryn had gone to where we were having the after party. I had not spotted some of my school team as we were doing the walk round and invited them to come as well so hopefully they would be there as well.

Me, Leah and Beth were currently standing in the corner of the changing rooms with a bottle of vodka, Beth had pulled out from nowhere and a can of coke trying to pour some in whilst hiding from the cameras.

I accidentally knocked Leah's arm as she was trying to pour the vodka in which set me and Beth off laughing our heads off as if we were drunk already. We were both crying with laughter and sat on the floor as Leah finished pouring it and gave me my drink.

We were all dancing away to the music until Lucy started running around the room gathering people, once she had all of our attention she started saying about how we should go and crash Sarina's press conference singing 'It's coming home' we all agreed and started singing as we all made our way out of the changing rooms to where Sarina was sitting with all the media.

Me and Leah were the last ones as I had decided I wanted my ear defenders on as it was getting a bit loud. As we ran after the rest of the team we started to join in with the singing.

When we got in the room my face lit up at the table Sarina was sitting at, I ran towards it and stood up on the chair behind it climbing onto the table as I began dancing around on it. Once everyone had started to go back to the changing rooms I jumped off the table as Sarina held my hand to help me.

"Ok we're done now you can carry on" I said into her mic before running off after the rest of them as Sarina and the press all laughed at us.

We were all back in the changing rooms dancing around before one of the physios came to tell us it was time to pack our stuff up and get on the bus to the venue where the party was being held.

As I had nothing to pack away as Leah had insisted on me not doing anything I carried on dancing and singing some of the girls videoing me. Eventually most of the girls had joined back in singing and dancing before Sarina came in and ruined our fun by telling us we had to go to the bus.

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