Chapter five

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A/N: Whoops this is a bit later than planned i totally did not get carried away watching TikTok lol ( if you know you know) anyways if you didn't see weekly updates from now on. They will always be on a Wednesday and around the same time between 7:30 and 9 PM BST. Hope you all enjoy it and don't forget to vote and comment xx

"Thank you Sarina" Me and Leah said at the same time, as we walked over to where Beth was standing talking to Alessia, Ella and Mary.

"Will you be alright with all three of them," Leah asked, obviously cautious incase i was going to throw up again.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, I'm not going to be sick again, don't worry," I said laughing as she smiled, shaking her head at me. As we got closer Leah swung her arm around my shoulder, letting me know that she was there for me if I needed her.

Last night went alright, I spent most of the evening sitting next to , or on top of, Leah. However I had to go and sit with Beth when Sarina called her in for a chat, something to do with her captain duties. I decided that I would go into Beth and Lotte's room tonight as I didn't know any of the others.

The next morning I woke up to Beth on call with Viv and Katie had come onto screen shouting very loudly for 7:30 in the morning.

"Ahh sleepy beauty awakens" Beth says as she feels me stretch as I flutter open my eyes once more.

"Good morning" I say, laying my head back down on her chest, closing my eyes as Viv and Katie just laugh at me.

"No," Beth says knowing what I'm about to do ", right we're getting up now so i'm going to go bye, love you"

"Ok, we shall see you soon anyway, love you too" Viv says as the first match is in a few days.

"Bye, love you both" I say my eyes still closed, savouring the time I had before Beth forced me up.

"We love you too Roro" They both say back as Beth hangs up.

"Right come on you, Lotte is already up and down in the chill room" Beth says forcing me to open my eyes and sit up in bed.

"Ok, ok I'm up" I say, yawning and opening my eyes.

"You best be out of that bed by the time i get back or else i'll have to tell Leah '' This definitely got my attention as the bathroom door closes. Leah can be scary at times.

Once me and Beth were all ready in our training kit for the day, it was 8:04AM meaning that breakfast had just started and if we didn't get down there quickly someone was going to come up to get us. We met Jill on the way, who had gone to get a coffee for herself and Ellen from Starbucks.

"Hey Rosie, I thought you might be tired so i got you a hot chocolate, i didn't know if you like coffee" Jill said, handing me a warm cup from her tray.

"Thank you, i definitely don't like coffee, Katie tries to give me it instead of hot chocolate but i always catch her out." I say laughing slightly.

Breakfast was good. I sat on a table with Leah, Beth, Lotte, Jordan, Kiera, Lucy and Georgia. I decided that I was going to have cereal, as I usually did at home, other than treat days.

As I stood by the cereal, deciding which one I should have, I felt another person come and stand next to me.

"Can't decide what you want," Alessia says reaching out to grab the frosties

"No, I usually have coco pops at home but they don't seem to have any," I said, sighing slightly, knowing that I was going to have to find an alternative.

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