Chapter thirty-nine

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A/N: Hey guys couldn't sleep so thought i would give you this chapter hope you enjoy and hopefully this will give me motivation as i don't have any more written 🙈🙈. Also!! I go on my Duke of Edinburgh expedition in literally 7 hours so i wont be online but hope you enjoy this xx

When I got back I settled in my seat and connected my earphones to my ipad and watched a film putting my ear defenders over the top.

Eventually we landed, it was 6 in the morning in Australia, so the sun was just rising, as we had all had a sleep on the plane we were all wide awake, so we got in the mini bus that was taking us to the camp where I could meet all the matildas later on as they arrived.

I think this is the most nervous I have been in a long time. It was getting closer to the time all of the other Matilda's would be arriving at camp. Steph had already given me a tour and I had met all of the staff, especially Pete who would be in charge of my rehab whilst I was here. It was nothing too much as I still had my cast on but just other exercises in the gym.

It soon became 11:30 and we were all sitting in the chill room watching a film although I couldn't tell you what had happened so far as I was too busy in my thoughts. I could feel someone looking over towards me as I was zoned out though. I presumed it was Steph but I was wrong as Caitlin came and sat in front of me.

"Hey munchkin, the girls are going to be here soon, do you want to come and sit with me or Steph or anyone" I looked at her thinking for a minute before saying

"Can I come and sit with you Alanna and Macca please"

"Of course you can munchkin, should we go now then?" I just nodded, she picked me up and carried me over to the 3 seater sofa where they were all sitting, she placed me down on Macca's knee sitting in the middle before resting my leg across all three of them.

Eventually some of the girls started trickling in, some of them came over briefly to say hello to the other girls but I just hid my head into Macca with my ear defenders on. That was until I felt a little hand tapping on the top of my leg. I turned my head to look at who was tapping me. I had started crying when a big group of girls came in so I still had a few tears rolling down my face.

I turned to see Harper Gorry who had her arms out for me to hug her. I slightly shifted myself so I could pick her up, she immediately wrapped her arms around me. We both sat there as a frantic Katrina came running into the chill room, she let out a sigh of relief when she saw Harper sat with me, Caitlin, Alanna and Macca.

She began walking over to us as I tensed up slightly

"It's ok it's just Katrina, I promise she's lovely" Macca whispered into my ear as I relaxed slightly.

"You cheeky little monkey running away from me" She says waking up to us "And I see you've made yourself a new little friend, hi" I just gave her a smile as I leant myself more into Macca.

Eventually all the girls had arrived and we were sitting in the chill room in groups speaking to each other. I sat with Macca, Caitlin, Alanna, Kyra, Harper, Katrina and Charli.

The other girls were just talking about things they had been doing recently and club training just anything they could think of. Harper had now moved off my knee and gone onto annoying Kyra.

The room went quiet as Tony and some other staff walked into the room.

"Welcome everyone it's good to see most of you back and have some new faces in here" He said looking my way "Anyways, this camp will be a bit different where you will all have a roommate, so obviously it will be Katrina and Harper in one room, then Alanna and Mackenzie, Steph and Mary, Caitlin and Charli ect."

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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