Chapter three

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A/N: This will be the last post before i start doing them every two weeks this is up until mid November i think and then it should be back to once a week hope you like it

"Yeah, it's no problem I've just gotta drop some people off then I will be back if that's alright"

"Yeah no that's fine just whenever," I say a soft smile on my face "I think Ro and Anna are still dancing away anyway, I'll just put them to bed when you get back so I know there's someone else there"

"Yeah no problem I'll be back soon then"

A while after I hear the door open and close telling me that Kim was back from dropping the other girls off. I hear her lock the door for me. I smile, knowing that's such a Kim thing to do, always looking after us. What worries me is the fact that I haven't heard from Ro and Anna in a while. Anna always stays with us after parties as she doesn't live with any roommates so she claims she needs Rosie by her side at all times.

Still in Leah's POV

"Leah!" I hear Kim shout from the living room where I presume she went first "can you come in here a minute please!"

"Yeah just a second" I shout back, confused on what could be so urgent. As I walk into the living room I am confused even more. Rosie and Anna are not here.

"Do you know where they went?" Kim questions me

"No, I haven't heard from them in a while they might have taken themselves upstairs"

We both make a mutual decision to go upstairs to look for them knowing they wouldn't be in the kitchen as I had just been in there. That's when we hear it. Ro was throwing up in the main bathroom. Me and Kim looked at each other and started to rush up the stairs knowing that no one else upstairs was awake.

When we walk in the bathroom we see Ro sitting on Anna's knee, who had definitely sobered up, leaning over the toilet seat. Anna rubbing her back up and down, holding her hair back out of her face.

"I am never drinking again" Ro says, laying her head down on Anna's shoulder who by now was half asleep, leaning against the bath. I chuckle lightly knowing that this happens every time. Kim gently goes and lifts Ro up as Anna crawls from her spot whilst Kim takes her place whispering something into Ro's ear.

"You stay here for a minute , I'll go and get you some pyjamas," I said to Anna as she tried to get up from the floor. I walk into Rosie's room to get some of Anna's pyjamas as I see Katie and Rue in her bed. I chuckle lightly knowing that they will definitely be rough in the morning. I quietly sneaked out after getting everything I needed.

I walk back into the room with Ro being a mess because she threw up again, Kim trying to comfort her and Anna asleep on the floor.

"Hey, i'm just going to take Anna to bed" I say crouching down next to Kim who was still trying to comfort Rosie who was still crying uncontrollably.

"Yeah that's fine think this one needs to go to bed as well" she says slightly laughing

"Yeah well if you do Katie and Rue are asleep in her bed so just take her to mine" I say quietly rubbing Rosie's back for comfort, I stood up as I walked over to Anna, picked her up and decided just to take her into the spare room. I place her down under the covers and put some paracetamol and water by the side of the bed for when she wakes up. Leaving the pyjamas I got for her at the end of the bed, knowing that she would want to change once she woke up. I quietly make my way out of the room and back to the bathroom.

Kim's POV

Rosie was definitely going to be hungover in the morning, that's for sure. When we walked in the bathroom I immediately noticed how tired Anna was. Leah must have noticed too as she went out of the room to get everything she could possibly need. When she came back and told me that Katie and Rue were asleep in Rosie's bed I chuckled knowing that it was such a Katie thing to do, fall asleep in another person's bed.

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