Chapter twenty-seven

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A/N: Suprise!! Update coming a week early, i've been a beast at writing this afternoon so thought i would treat you all. Updates coming every other Sunday from now on i may post the weekend inbetween but i just don't have the time to be writing like i used to. Hopefully i will have enough chapters to post every Sunday but i'm not there yet. Hope you all enjoy this chapter.

As always let me know if you have anything you would like to see I will be making a google forms and posting it to my account to help me keep record of these requests so make sure you go and check it out.

About 20 minutes into the film I could feel Rosie trying to keep herself awake to watch it.

"You can go to sleep Roro, promise" When she didn't reply back straight away I knew she wanted to tell me something but she was nervous so I didn't mention anything until she lifted her face to look at me.

"I'm dating Katie's sister" She says quietly, so only Beth and I heard. Beth's shocked face turned to look at me as a smile crept up on my face as Rosie placed her head back onto my chest, her eyes slowly closing as I kissed the top of her head. Turning to smile back at Beth.

*a few days later*

Today we had a break from training as me, Esme, Hannah and Lotte are doing a video together for the youtube channel. We don't actually know what we're doing until we get started so we are eager to get started. Jill and Ellen were called up first to do some type of interview together as we all sat in the chill room either playing the arcade games, or some were on their phones. I was sitting on a bean bag messaging Lauryn.

I had a massive smile on my face as Millie and Rach came walking over to me.

"What's that big smile on your face for missy? '' Millie says as they plonk themselves down on the bean bags next to me, I quickly turn my phone off, face down so they don't see.

"Nothing" I say, my face going red.

"Come on you, you've got a massive cheesy smile on your face, what's it for?"

"Or should you say who?" Beth says walking up sitting herself down next to me on the same bean bag. I turned to look at Beth

"Why would you say that now there going to have to know" I said sighing with defeat

"Ooooh tell us tell us tell us" Rach says, smacking her hands onto her knees in excitement

"I'm dating Katie's sister" I said, closing my eyes waiting for their reaction, after a few seconds they both started screaming and jumped on top of me. This caused everyone to turn and look at us.

"NO WAY!!" They shouted down my ear at the same time with shocked looks on their faces, after they had asked me a few questions one of the media people came in to get me, Esme, Hannah and Lotte to do our interview.

*interview* (R-Rosie L-Lauren Lo- Lotte and E- Esme)

L- Hey guys I'm Lauren Hemp

Lo- I'm Lotte Wubben-moy

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