Chapter twenty-four

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A/N: in honour of me being 6 months clean today I've decided to post this chapter for you all and let you know i still have no clue when I'm going to start regular posting again but i can promise it will be before the end of feb xx

"Oh, Ro," Katie says, standing up and hugging me. After Katie had finished with her hug I got a hug from the rest of the family, well the ones that were in the living room anyway. We decided that the five of us would go out tonight for food and a few drinks.

I decided to message the Arsenal group chat we have. Almost immediately I had messages from everyone telling me how proud they are of me, and then Beth telling me that she's going to beat me at table tennis.

Leah's POV

Rosie has been in Ireland with Katie for 3 days now, and today is the day that I have arranged with her mum to go and collect her things. I decided to ask Beth if she could come with me as Viv is going to see her family for a week today. My mum was happy to look after Coco whilst we were away as Bella now had a friend to play with for a few days.

I dropped Coco off at my mum's last night so we weren't rushing around this morning. I had agreed to meet Rosie's mum at twelve PM, this meant that we had to set off at eight o'clock at the latest to get there on time. I had practically forced Beth to set her alarm for 7AM with me so I didn't feel weird being awake at that time and not going to training or anything.

When my alarm went off I was reluctant to get out of bed but I knew once I had given her the forms to sign and gotten all of Rosie's stuff, it was then just a case of waiting to ask Rosie.

In the meantime Kim said that I could store Rosie's things in her garage, as long as it was in boxes just in case Rosie decided to go in there between the time I had gotten all of her stuff and when I asked her. I was not convinced that Rosie's mum would be putting all of her stuff into boxes for us, I presumed we had to do that, so over the last week or two I had been collecting boxes from everywhere. The colony, the team and my mum even got me a few.

As I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face I made sure that Beth had woken up to her alarm. She had, however, she was just sat there in bed watching tik tok or something. I said she'd better be out of bed by the time I finished in the bathroom.

Once I had practically dragged Beth out of bed and we were both ready, it was 7:45. We decided to just get a McDonalds for breakfast at a motorway stop when we were both hungry. I had booked us a room in one of the premier inn near Rosie's hometown so we didn't have to worry about getting back late.

I chucked my overnight bag into the back of my car where all the boxes were, luckily i had a big car so we could fit everything in when we put the seats down. Rosie's mum had told me that once Rosie had moved out, she had most of her stuff chucked into storage so that's where we would be meeting her. She would come and meet us, give me the key to the storage unit and sign the papers then neither us nor Rosie would ever have to see her or contact her again.

The first hour went by quickly with me and Beth talking about my conversations with Tracy, Rosie's mum. I had told her about how rude I thought she was over the phone and I was worried if she would be the same in person. Beth reassured me that even if she was it would only be for 5 minutes.

The rest of the time went by slowly as we got caught in a bit of traffic which set up 20 minutes behind schedule so I made Beth message Rosie's mum from my phone letting her know we would be a little bit late because of the traffic. Beth told me that she had read the message but not replied.

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